Saturday 16 March 2013

Tweaked My Bad Right Hip

On Friday, I was crouching down to take a photograph and felt an intensely painful 'pulling' down the inside of my inner right thigh, deep in the leg. I 'ignored' it and carried on. Crouched again and went to walk sideways in that crouched/squat position and found it was excruciatingly painful. In trying to stand up, I felt intense pain through the hip and down my inner thigh. I could barely move the hip without inducing pain. I realised that as long as I kept my movements simple and slow, I could walk back to the car. It didn't cause pain to put weight through the hip, it was only if I moved it in a certain way. Anyway, got back to the car, carefully put my right leg into the car and drove home. Once home, it took a great deal of careful manoeuvring to get my right leg out of the car without inducing excruciating pain.

The problem through the hip is still there today. I have to be extremely careful not to catch it in a certain way. I had dreams last night in which I had an injured/useless foot. I was screaming in agony and begging someone to amputate it because I knew (in the dream) I could then get a new one put on(!). In the dream I was desperate to get rid of the disabling foot and get on with my life. I couldn't stand it any more. And, that's kinda how I feel. I am so fed up with this hip problem. I want to be free of it! I went to the private physiotherapist at the beginning of August last year because I was fed up with the hip. It's now nearly 8 months later and still no improvement or diagnosis. Meanwhile, my life slips on by...

If the hip still has the same problems on Monday, I will arrange another physio appointment and see if we can get to the bottom of what's going on.

No gym session today because of the numerous and various niggles and injuries. Essentially, everything down my right side is problematic: right crick neck (9 weeks and counting!), right rotator cuff muscle problems, right abdominal/mid back problems and right hip problems. No point in going to the gym if I can't actually do anything!

Flipping fed up.

Wednesday 13 March 2013

58 lengths (1,450 metres) Swim

Up and down over the past few days. I was incredibly stiff (in a good way!) after the gym session on Saturday. It felt very satisfying to have worked my muscles hard and to think that they were developing as a result. I am actually still a bit stiff today in some muscles (4 days later!).

Unfortunately, the right crick neck which I've had since the middle of January is still there and still a problem. The right abdominal muscle discomfort is still a problem. And then there's all the usual, chronic issues...left shoulder, right shoulder and right hip. Last night I was awake until 3am worrying and stressing and obsessing about everything. I could not switch my mind off trying to find a solution to these ongoing problems. I am fed up of the pain and restriction they cause. I'm fed up of no-one knowing how to make them better. I am fed up of being in pain! Last night, it all felt pretty intolerable.

Today, was swim day. I wasn't sure how my body would cope. I've got an issue with the right rotator cuff and I wasn't sure how painful my abdominal muscles would be. Anyway, I set about doing my lengths (alternating breast stroke/back stroke, stopping every 2 lengths for up to 30 or so seconds). The first 15-20 are always the hardest. It takes me a while to get into a rhythm. The right rotator cuff muscle was sore throughout but tolerable. Everything else seemed to cope. I pushed for 32 lengths...then 40...then 50...and then I thought I'd try for my ultimate goal which is to swim 1 mile (64 lengths). I got to length 58 and could feel my legs were cramping quite badly. I had to call it a day. However, by that point, my strength and energy levels were still good. I still had decent stroke form and power (unlike the early days when I would be totally spent and ragged by the end). All in all, I was very pleased. The crick neck was still 'there' and painful and the right rotator cuff muscle/tendon still sore but, hey, I'd swum for a good 50 minutes and survived! The only fly in the ointment was my new swimming costume...

I had finally gotten around to ordering a new costume online (my old one is on its last legs). It arrived this morning and, although I do say so myself, looked really good on, lol. Half way through my swim, I was aware of growing soreness under my arms. Basically, the new costume chafes so badly that it's left two welts of raw skin, one in each armpit. I hadn't realised how bad they were until I was showering and put soap on them. I nearly jumped through the roof with agony! I won't be wearing that costume again!

I've probably written this before but I'll write it again...

Going back 4 years ago, I couldn't swim a length. My joints were too weak and unstable. I was incredibly weak overall. I would go to the pool and do my hour of hydrotherapy exercises whilst, in the swimming lanes, a lady about my age, would swim her 64 lengths. At that stage, I couldn't imagine how it was possible to swim that far! I couldn't imagine what it felt like to be able to do it. Ever since, it's been an unspoken hope that one day, I might be able to swim 1 mile, 64 lengths. My strength and stamina are improving. I do believe now that I will get to the 1 mile mark. I just wish the athletic achievement was accompanied by the healing of my left shoulder and right hip in particular. It feels ridiculous that I have the potential to swim 1 mile pain-free but can barely walk the same distance without significant pain through my hip.

I suspect the next few weeks will be more of the up and down feelings. I am going to try to dedicate 6 weeks to the rehabilitation of my abdominal muscles. It's basically a progressive loading programme and stretching to try to get the muscles back to full power and length. I'm not sure if it'll involve resisting the pool and gym....we'll see. Anyway, if that goes badly, I am going to be seriously demoralised!! I cannot bear the thought of acquiring another chronic issue without a solution!

  • Standing Trunk Twists (unloaded) 2 x 10 reps
  • Lying on my back, arms outstretched on floor and rolling knees from side to side (basically a trunk twist on the floor) 10 reps
  • Half-level crunches (i.e. only bringing shoulders up half way rather than whole way) 10 reps
The idea is to do those exercises until they fail to produce pain and then increase the difficulty. We shall see....

Saturday 9 March 2013

New Gym Equipment + 2km Run/Walk

My local gym has just completed an upgrade to the facilities, opening a whole new room filled with various machines and equipment. Included in the new set up is what looks like something you'd find in the monkey enclosure of a zoo! A series of frames with ropes and shelves and articulated weights and all sorts of things attached to it. Gym users have all been told they can have 30 mins free tuition on this new style of equipment. So, that's what I did this morning.

The session started at 10am and we were carefully shown around the various bits and pieces, and given a chance to try them out. I was surprised by a) how strong I was on some and b) how weak I was on others. It really showed up the areas of the body that need work. It was refreshing and fun to try something new and I didn't try to opt out in order to protect my abdominal muscles. I'll see how they are later today...

The intro session lasted about 40 mins and I stayed to do some sets on the new stuff. I then decided I'd try a bit of running to see how my right hip coped. I did 2km run/walk in 14:30. It felt soooo good! I absolutely love sport. If I could spend my days doing sport, I would. I find it so satisfying and grounding and empowering. Anyway, the run felt a lot easier on my legs than it did when I last did a 2km run/walk last August (7 months ago! Here). The respiration rate of my muscles is much better so it feels easier. As for my right hip, I was aware of it but had no sharp pain in my butt or upper/inner thigh on foot strike or anything. I shall wait and see if pain develops through the afternoon as that was the norm. I suspect I worked my right abdominal muscles too hard but, again, I'll see how they recover. I am more determined than ever to get strong and fit, however long it takes. I am a sportswoman at heart.

Post Script: 16:10
Right butt increasingly painful/sore through afternoon. Painful to sit on. Not sure if there has been any improvement or not in the last 7 months in terms of the pain. Disappointing...

Post Script Two: Sunday 16:30
Long sleep last night - absolutely worn out from the gym work. Lots of good stiff muscles today (upper back/shoulders, arms, some right abdominal discomfort but not sure if it's injury or stiffness (will see in the next few days), upper/inner thighs and calves).

Friday 8 March 2013

Physiotherapies (Shoulder, Hip & Abs!)

Quick update....
Had a quiet weekend after last Friday's gym session. I was fairly tired.

Monday was my first appointment with the NHS Physio for my bad left shoulder. I basically came home and sobbed afterwards. I was very disappointed with the level of care and understanding.

Did a lot of walking on Tuesday, which caused bad right butt/hip pain, aching left shoulder and, eventually, aching lower back! Disappointing really.

Wednesday, went to the pool in the hope of soothing away some of the aches and clearing my head of the worries/upset. The swim helped. I lost count of the lengths but I did about 32 (0.5 miles). Right rotator cuff has been sore ever since and the right crick neck I've had for 8 weeks continues.

Today (Friday), went back to the private physio for help with everything! He was great. Gave me nearly 1.5 hours of his time (charging me only for the hour) to deal with both shoulders, my neck, right abdominals and right hip.

  • LEFT SHOULDER: continue with physio exercises prescribed by NHS and see where that takes me. Think again in 6 weeks.
    • Neck stretch 3 x per day
    • Eccentric Serratus Anterior exercise - lie on back, left arm straight up in air, lift with right hand then let go and allow serratus muscle to take shoulder back to retracted state. 2 x 10 reps
    • Thoracic extension exercise 2 x 5 reps
    • Pec stretch exercise 3 times
  • RIGHT SHOULDER: infraspinatus weakness - so - include exercise to reactivate/improve that (2 x 10 reps daily)
  • RIGHT ABDOMINALS: physio thinks I probably caused a small tear in the oblique muscles and the scar tissue is weak/sore. It's a case of breaking down the tissues and rebuilding. So, starting with zero-load trunk twists and gradually increasing weight every 2 weeks.
  • RIGHT HIP: strength has improved (single leg glute bridges good now). He's going to write to my GP to get an xray done to rule out any abnormalities and take it from there.

So, I am back up to 1 hour of physio exercises a day for the right hip and left shoulder/neck. I guess I can tolerate it better these days but I cannot tell you how much I am looking forward to a life that doesn't include daily physio!

...I think that was what the sobbing was about on Monday. I am into year 5 of this rehab and it is flipping hard to keep at everything on my own day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. To be sent away with yet another set of painful exercises was the last straw. I needed some support, some help; someone else to work on my body other than me; someone else to massage the sore muscles or stretch them out or mobilise them or whatever. Just once, I wanted someone else to help with the hard work!! The fact that the physio did nothing but assess me (no treatment etc) and send me away to further pain was more than I could cope with at that point. I wanted help!

Friday 1 March 2013

Positive Shift & Back at the Gym

Just back from the gym and feeling kinda tired today but yesterday was a different story.

It's felt like a really positive week. After the 50 length swim on Tuesday, I recovered well and didn't feel too tired on Wednesday. I was very surprised and extremely pleased. Yesterday, I thought I'd see how I'd cope with a longer drive to see some birds. It was an hour away and cold weather but I managed really well and, at one point, was flooded with a sudden feeling of freedom. It's an experience I've not really had before. I was struck with the reality that I was an hour away from home, I was enjoying the birds and I wasn't aching to leave or drained or struggling to cope. I felt free to be there. I felt like I'd escaped a 'prison' for the day although that's not consciously how I experience my home!

I guess my life shrank dramatically when I became so ill. For 8 years I was barely able to cope with the simple things of life. I couldn't travel far. Then for the last 4 years, it's been hard work to try to rebuild all my muscles and stamina and manage the ongoing injuries and limitations. In every way, I've felt restricted. Yesterday, I felt like I was breaking free. Life was suddenly opening up a little for me. My choices are widening. I could breath and see beyond my living room! It felt fantastic and I hope those experiences increase in frequency now.

Back to today. I woke up tired....which isn't surprising really. I didn't sleep well and yesterday I was out in the cold for a long time.

I tried to do a normal gym set today but also take care of my abdominal muscles. I'm not sure I achieved the latter.

  • 5 mins exercise bike (difficulty level 8)
  • Hip/lower back stretches
  • Glute bridges (10 secs hold) 3 reps then quad stretches
  • Glute bridges 10kg dumbbell across hips 10 reps, 10 sec hold. 
  • Press ups-plus (at 45 deg angle) 2 x 10 reps. 
  • Press-ups on floor (knees on floor) 2 x 10 reps 
  • Full Press-ups with hands placed on raised step block 2 x 4 reps (very hard!)
  • Right Hip adduction and extension using cable weights 6kg 12 reps, 8kg 2 x 10 reps
  • Seated rows 10 kg 10 reps; 12kg 2 x 10 reps; vertical flies 4kg 2 x 10 reps.
  • Wobble board 4 mins.
  • Chest fly with cable weights 4kg 2 x 10 reps.
  • Trunk twist using cable weights 4kg 10 reps (first time reintroducing this exercise after ab strain)
  • Metal bar rotation 2 x 10 reps (new exercise basically lifting a metal bar either side of body - base of bar is attached to floor and articulated)
  • Tricep extensions using cable/rope 6kg 10 reps, 8kg10 reps. 
  • Combo exercise, pulling cable weight from floor, across body, stretching up to other side 6kg 10 reps.(reintroduced exercise after ab strain)
  • 5 mins on treadmill - just wanted to see if right hip could cope. Ran about 2 mins.
  •  Combo lateral/front shoulder raises whilst sitting on exercise ball 3kg 10 reps
  • Lying on the floor, starting with elbows by my side, arms bent 90 degs, then pushing weight upwards against gravity, straightening the arm (modified front raise) 5kg 2 x 10 reps