Saturday 7 July 2012

A Tired Week but Andy's Through...!

Last weekend and most of the following week were a write off due to feeling completely and utterly drained after the gym (irrespective of taking Pharmaton). I've no idea why. There doesn't seem to be any pattern, rhyme or reason to it. Thankfully, I had Wimbledon to enjoy...

Yesterday, I didn't really know whether to risk the gym again. The thought of a repeat of last week's total wipe out was somewhat off-putting. However, the potential positives outweighed the likely negatives and I took the plunge. My Friday gym sessions really are the only 2 hours of the week where I get to feel strong, powerful and free and like a 'normal human being'. I get to do what 'normal people' do. The whole routine of getting ready, heading to the gym, working out, coming home, showering, changing and eating a good lunch is completely life-affirming. For that period of time, I feel normal. I feel relief. I feel like a solid, powerful human being.. I don't care that it takes days to recover or that each week I have to take painkillers for my hip for 2-3 days afterwards. That feeling of normality and empowerment is worth it!

Anyway, yesterday's gym session went well. I pushed myself to do the 2km run again at 9.5 km/hr with a sprint finish for the last 100 metres. I did that in 12 mins 45 secs. That's the part I most look forward to. Running. And the sprint finish is the icing on the cake. I think naturally, I'm a sprinter rather than a distance runner, and especially so since the mental and physical breakdown. I lack endurance in every way. I tend towards wanting to get things over and done with. It takes discipline for me to stick to a steady pace and not just sprint/walk/sprint/walk etc. Everything in me wants to push hard whilst I have energy then slacken off entirely only to then push hard again. It's probably very good for me to teach my body/brain that doing things at a good steady pace is possible.

The rest of the session was the usual weights/stretches etc. I didn't push too hard as I was a little worried about how I'd react afterwards. However, when I left the gym, nothing in particular hurt and I felt good. During the run, I'd not felt any pain in my right hip and my calves had coped better this week.

The right butt/hip pain kicked in during lunch so I iced that. The other issue last week was that the left butt/hip ache/pain and LHS lower back tightness, which I thought had resolved, came back as bad as before. Very disappointing. The right calve was mildly effected during running yesterday and is stiff today. The left butt/hip pain was still there through the afternoon (and today).

Surprisingly, I didn't feel too tired yesterday afternoon and, by evening, I felt alert and fine. I wasn't aching for sleep/bed. I do feel tired/drained today. I guess I'll know tomorrow how big an impact yesterday's gym session has had.

Of course, the thrill of yesterday was seeing Andy Murray reach the final of Wimbledon. I am a big Andy Murray fan and follow all his matches through the year. To have achieved a place in the final, under the enormous weight of hope and expectation of the British public/media etc, is an outstanding achievement. I don't know how he holds his nerve or withstands the phenomenal pressure. As for Federer in the final....well...I know Andy can beat him but on Centre Court, in a Wimbledon final...that's about as hard as it gets for a British player. It's a massive's hoping for a little magic...

(image courtesy of the internet!)


  1. Thank you for your work on this blog, it's about the only thing I have found that has given me some encouragement and hope.

  2. Thank you for your comment Jul - very much appreciated. Wishing you well with the issues you too are facing.


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