Friday 29 June 2012

2km Run Non-Stop

After 2 weeks of feeling downright rubbish, I started to take Pharmaton* on Wednesday. It seems to have had the desired effect although who knows why or how or if that's a good thing or not!

So, back at the gym today. I was really chuffed to do a 2km run without any walking breaks, in 12 mins 55 secs. I set the pace at 9.5 km/hr which seemed just right. I think my muscles actually prefer to move faster but in terms of energy use, that speed worked. I upped the pace for the last 100 metres to 12.5 km/hr, which is a comfortable sprint. The right butt/groin pain was intermittent and mild. I knew it would hurt later but at the time, it was manageable. Since coming home, I've iced my right butt (the pain kicked in fairly quickly).

The rest of the session was the usual weights and stretches. I didn't push my abs as they felt a bit twingey and I reckon the running places good demands on my core.

All in all, a satisfying workout. If only my right hip would resolve, I'd be very pleased.

Edit 14/07/2012: * I stopped taking Pharmaton on the following Monday when it was clear that it wasn't having any positive effect and was in fact causing digestive problems. I suspect it's good for people whose vitamin/mineral levels are low but I know my diet etc is very good these days so no need for supplements like this. I guess my energy problems have another cause.

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