Saturday 19 February 2011

Swim (26 Lengths)

Two images of the same bird, tucking into different apples on the same tree (if that all makes sense!). This single Fieldfare, taken earlier this month, had a tree full of rotting apples all to itself.

A short post today. Kinda struggling with things other than the physical rehab. Isolation, really (as Britany Spears says, "the loneliness is killing me"). Anyway, went to the pool this week. Managed 26 lengths (13 backstroke, 13 breaststroke), the most I've done so far. Foot cramp (RHS) and left, front shoulder pain didn't kick in until about the 20th length, which is better than previously. Generally, I feel like the strength gained in the gym is paying off. Took a good 2 days to recover. Completely worn out on both Wednesday and Thursday.

I'm more confident that the way forward is the gym work. It's the only way I seem to be able to put on muscle/strength.

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