Saturday 5 February 2011

First Week at the Gym

Another shot of one of this Winter's local Waxwings.

It was my first visit to the local gym on Tuesday. And, it went very well. The guy 'inducting' me, showed me how all the machines work and made sure I had all the equipment I need to do the hospital workout. Then he left me to it. It's quite a small, cramped-feeling place and they have music blasting out and cold fans on everywhere but it has everything I need and it's accessible/affordable. I shall just have a wear a thicker jumper next week. I asked the gym guy to add in something to strengthen my upper back. He showed me how to use the seated row machine, which definitely worked the right muscles (although it aggravated the left shoulder pain/problems).

I was typically wiped out in the afternoon on Tuesday and through Wednesday. I had a few mild strains through my legs, which I think are healing up ok.

Friday morning I had my 'sign off' session at the hospital physio dept. Essentially, they think I'm doing very well and I just need to keep it up. Apparently the post-exercise exhaustion is normal (??) and should improve as I get stronger/fitter. Only time will tell I suppose.

The LHS lower back and left hip ache have been annoying again this week. I also seem to be getting knee pain (either side of the joints) from the gym work. Hopefully, it's nothing serious - just a case of strengthening those tendons/ligaments.

Bit tired today so will leave it there.

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