Monday 17 May 2010

Tired Out

The first of this Spring's youngsters turned up in my garden this week. This is one of three juvenile House Sparrows badgering mum and dad for food at the moment. You can still see the yellow on the immature gape.

Last week was supposed to be a rest week but it didn't really work out like that. I ended up going to table tennis on Tuesday which did the job of completely fatiguing my right shoulder and legs. I then pushed hard at the pool on Wednesday and felt wiped out on Thursday. Over the weekend, I stuck the schedule - 50 mins walk on Saturday followed by some ab strengthening exercises; 25 mins on the exercise bike on Sunday. I crashed out yesterday. Slept in the afternoon and felt ill with exhaustion through the evening. Generally, I'm totally worn out.

Mentally, I've been struggling. Isolation, fatigue, worries about money, my neighbour's tumble drier going on at all hours of the day and night (waking me up at 5:30am too many mornings on the trot!) and the constant grind get on top me occasionally! Patience, patience and more patience....

Tired out so will leave it there for today.

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