Sunday 9 May 2010

A Weekend Off

Not the best of photos, but I liked the ruffled feathers of this little bathing Blue Tit.

After last weekend's 'work' on my legs/hip muscles, I kept up the momentum with the usual longer walk on Tuesday (45 mins) followed by table tennis in the evening. I played for longer and harder than normal and could definitely feel the stinging minor strains through the muscles around the right shoulder/scapular joint afterwards. The pool work was ok the following day but everything was feeling twingey and exhausted esp the right shoulder joint and my knees. I iced the worst areas on Wednesday afternoon. On Thursday I was definitely tired out. My calves, backs of knees and arches of my feet were regularly cramping esp at night and my leg muscles generally were obviously fatigued.

On Friday, I still felt dog tired but enjoyed my pottery class in the afternoon. I decided that evening that I'd have this weekend off the rehab routine. And, I've needed it I think. Up until then, I'd stuck to the weekly schedule for the 8 weeks after I had my cold, averaging just under 40 mins daily exercise. I think it was time for a weekend off!

So, I did my shoulder physio yesterday, had a 20 minutes walk today, and that's been it for exercise. My calves, backs of knees, arches of feet still cramped last night but they're feeling less twingey today. I woke up with a bad 'crick in my neck' this morning, down the back RHS. I've applied heat etc but it's not budging. From experience, it takes a good few days to settle unfortunately. The cause?...who seems to be one of those things that happens as a result of the work on the shoulders.

Next week, I don't have table tennis, which is good - gives my right shoulder a chance to heal up and strengthen up. Hopefully, I'll be able to enjoy the pool work more on Wednesday because my muscles will be fresher.

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