Thursday 8 October 2009


I had my 3rd physio session this morning. I mentioned that the shoulders and arms had been pretty tender and restricted since the last session and that I actually don't have the muscle strength to do as many assessment exercises as last time. The physio took all that on board and seemed to mostly do muscle and nerve mobilisation. At the time it didn't feel particularly painful or aggressive but since coming home my left shoulder and arm has ached/hurt badly and my right shoulder/arm hasn't been happy either.

I dosed up on painkillers and went to sleep for an hour this afternoon! I was completely wiped out. Not sure why - perhaps a combination of yesterday's pool work and this morning's physio. Who knows.

The physio mentioned that I have lost significant muscle definition on my left shoulder and arm and it'll take a while to rebuild. The deltoid muscles of both shoulders are still small and weak. Standard delt exercises are too advanced so I think I need to stick to pool assisted movements and perhaps some 'static deltoid contractions' as demonstrated by the chappy below (Link)

I picked up a mild RHS hamstring/back of the knee strain yesterday from the pool work. Iced it this morning and put on a support bandage. It shouldn't take too long to heal. Other minor injuries at the moment are trunk strains, mostly just below my rib cage on the sides/back. Again, no idea how I did them but they're there.

My mind is mostly preoccupied with how I'll get full range of movement and muscle function back in my shoulders and arms. It's the usual problem of there being so little muscle that it's hard to find exercises that don't cause strains or overuse but do promote growth. Scapula stabilisation is a key component Mmmm.....I'm sure it'll come with time and perseverance. But, it could take years before my shoulders and arms function healthily and strongly. *sigh*'s a long, hard slog. Just as I feel optimistic, I suddenly get a dose of reality and have to accept that the progress I envisage is a long way off.

Anyone else out there been through this rehab process....?

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