Monday 26 October 2009

Bike work

Well, having worked my way up to coping with 25 minutes on the exercise bike, the private physio suggested that I could now split the time over 2 sessions (say 12 mins and 13 mins), and then build up each of those 2 blocks. My schedule had been Wed: Hydro, Saturday: Arms/shoulders, Sunday: Bike. This worked well because it took my hips/back/legs at least 3 days to recover from the hydro workout. I tried adding in another bike session on Fridays but my left hip just hadn't recovered enough to cope. Then, I started a pottery class on Fridays and that is a workout in itself - absolutely exhausting, lol. So, I tried shifting the bike sessions to Saturday and Monday but that doesn't work either. Mondays are therapy days and I'm just too rung out from that.

Soooo...after a lot of failed experiments, I shall get back to the way it was to begin with, lol. I think that the addition of the pottery class is enough of a step up in terms of stretching my rehab.

At the moment, my left hip stabiliser is going through a tired, achy phase with pain on foot strike. I guess I overdid it one way or another last week and it's not quite recovered. I iced it yesterday but that hasn't reduced the pain. Today, I skipped the second bike session of the week to give it a chance to heal before Wednesday's pool work.

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