Sunday 4 October 2009

25 Minutes and No Pain!

It's been a beautiful, sunny October day. I headed out to go bird watching this morning and spent a few hours over at Amwell and Rye Meads Nature reserves. Walking felt ok - no sharp, left hip pain on foot strike and the LHS of my lower back wasn't too tight/painful.

This afternoon, I did the usual Sunday bike work. Today, I hit the 25 minutes mark AND I didn't experience any hip stabiliser aching or LHS lower back tightness and pain! It's the first time in the 8 months that I've been using the bike that I've not had any pain! I daren't celebrate too soon but I'm really hoping this is another sign of improving muscle/joint condition and a step towards real fitness.

On the downside, my shoulders/arms are aching and painful. I think the tendonitis in the left shoulder is playing up again but, hey, I can cope with that so long as it will eventually settle.

....25 minutes on the bike and no pain - hurrah!

Note added 07/10/09: Post-cycling, there was some aching/tightness in LHS lower back and mild groin strain/tiredness on RHS. However, relatively speaking, it's still significant progress.

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