Friday 16 October 2009


Yup, it's a year today since I started physiotherapy/rehab for my hips/back/core. One year down, a few more to go I guess. Progress has been slow and painful. I'm still getting strains or pain through my groins, outer hips and lower back. I know I'd be feeling a whole lot more depressed about the lack of progress if it hadn't been for the reduction in hip and back pain after the last 3 hydrotherapy sessions. That has felt like a major milestone.

This morning, my left hip and lower back are achy/tight. *sigh*

At the moment, I keep experiencing overwhelming tiredness through the afternoon/evening and it's only relieved by sleep. I don't know really what's causing it - could be any number of things including the severe deconditioning/effects of rehab.

Too tired.

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