Wednesday 29 July 2009


....another early morning to get into the pool before the children later in the day. Had a bad night last night. Woke at about 4am after nightmares and felt overwhelmed. Unable to control the tears but decided that sobbing in the dark was only going to make things worse so turned on the lights and wrote. It helped. Eventually went back to sleep for another hour before the alarm went off at 8am.

Anyways....the pool work felt good today. The exercises felt easier and I got through them pretty quickly. The improvised shoulder exercises are really helping my restricted/stiff left shoulder/arm. When I get out of the pool, I immediately have a lot less pain and restriction although it stiffens up again as the day goes on.

The downside today was I got really cold. After 30 mins of doing exercises I was shivering in the water and couldn't stay in any longer once I'd finished the workout. Thankfully, the nice shower was free and the water was toasty warm so I soon defrosted.

This afternoon, various muscles ache/hurt. My shoulders in particular and my right groin and Iliotibial band (ITB) (which has been stiff/problematic over the past few days). I guess they'll settle down eventually!

Feeling pretty sleepy and may head off for an afternoon snooze.

Note: heard from the NHS physiotherapy dept today - 3 month wait.

Wednesday 22 July 2009

Pressing On

....just got back from my second session at the specialist swimming pool. I wasn't feeling too good this morning - lots of aches and pains and didn't sleep well - but I honestly didn't know which would bring the most benefit: rest or workout?! I opted for workout because at least when I'm doing that I feel like something constructive is happening.

My main concern at the moment (apart from my left shoulder!) is my left hip or, more specifically, the connections at the top of my left leg, from my groin round to the outside of the hip joint (oh! for a degree in anatomy!). Anyway, something very painful is going on and I can't rotate and flex the leg at the same time without causing excruciating pain. I'm hoping it's just a 'sore muscle/tendon' and it'll settle down, rather than any kind of tear/strain.

I was really glad to discover today that there is a bar running along the side of the pool so that I can hook my feet under it and do the 'leg press/leg curl' and 'side slide' (working the abdominal obliques) exercises. I came out of the pool feeling like I had really worked my legs today. Here's hoping I don't discover a whole host of new strains later!

I've improvised some hydro shoulder exercises (from here: Link) and I think they're helping to keep the joint mobile. Essentially, keeping my arms just under the water so as to keep the weight as low as possible, I'm doing the arm circles (arms straight out in front, circling arms clockwise/anti-clockwise, 10 reps); then front raises, 20 reps; lateral raises, 20 reps. I'll increase the reps as able up to the 50 reps used on all other exercises.

Wednesday 15 July 2009

Anxiety & Different Pool

Not been doing so well over the past few weeks. Anxiety levels have been sky high and I've been perpetually struggling to hold back the tears. I saw my GP this week (tears streaming down my cheeks!) to try to get a little more support with the deconditioning rehab: perhaps access to physiotherapy for ongoing injury assessment/ultrasound treatment and so on. However that isn't really available. I did, however, get another referral for physiotherapy plus an ultrasound scan for my left shoulder. It's better than nothing.

I've realised that "problems without solutions" are the most depressing and anxiety inducing thing to us. Anything which causes a sense of 'helplessness' and 'trapped-ness' is triggering. Thankfully, I think I've found a solution to the problem of how to keep up with the hydrotherapy. I've discovered a specialist swimming pool in the area which maintains the water at a temperature of between 30-32deg. I tried it out today and it's better than my local pool. The 32 mile round trip and 2.5x greater entrance fee are worth it! I was very anxious before leaving the house (exam level anxiety) and even as I drove there, but once I got into the water and focused on the exercises I must have relaxed. I came out of the pool feeling calmer than I have in weeks. I'd forgotten how wonderful it feels when anxiety levels drop and you can breathe easily and your mind stops obsessing about anything and everything. Bliss.

Feeling very tired this afternoon and all the strains are achy, especially my shoulders. I'm looking forward to sleep tonight!

Wednesday 8 July 2009

Two steps forward....Three steps back

....that's what it feels like at the moment. I'm trying to be really careful to avoid injury but it seems impossible.

Current Injuries:
RHS inner thigh/quad strain and groin strain
LHS groin strain, plus mild inner quad strain
LHS hip stabiliser and glute pain
Both shoulders are problematic. The left is worse than the right but neither is pain-free.
RHS trunk/ab strains which just don't seem to heal. They've been stinging on and off now for 4 months.
LHS pain through the hip (along some muscle/tendon, not sure which!). Actually both hips are suffering at the moment.
Generally, walking is painful.

What should I do? Muscle strains seem to take months to heal rather than weeks (the groin/quad strains happened a month ago). If I rest for 'months' to allow healing, I then risk deconditioning the muscle I've worked hard to recondition!

The injuries, associated pain and fears of 'getting worse' are taking their toll. I'm suffering again from bad anxiety. Been awake since 4 this morning, struggling to control thoughts of desolation, panic and fear. Shed too many tears.

It would be great to have access to ultrasound to speed up muscle repair but I don't suppose the NHS agree....*sigh*