Friday 28 September 2012

Vertigo recurrence

Missed the pool on Tuesday this week. When I went to bed on Sunday night, I had intense vertigo whenever I lay my head in a particular position or turned over onto my right side. It was the same symptoms as my last episode with inner ear problems. Anyway, symptoms were still there on Monday night and I figured that swimming backstroke was going to be out of the question and I didn't fancy dealing with vertigo whilst swimming. As it turned out, I've not had any further symptoms since Monday night so whatever it was that had caused them has gone away. I'm guessing it was BPPV (Link) because the vertigo only seemed to be triggered with my head in a very specific position or being rolled into that position.

It was actually quite nice to have Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday without the exhaustion of swimming. I got out birding/walking each day and tried to stay active. However, by yesterday evening, I was pretty knackered. Incredibly, I slept until 11:10am this morning!! I couldn't quite believe it when I turned over and saw the clock. Anyway, made it to the gym and did the usual set. However, I was struggling with feeling pretty discouraged. I see other fit, strong ladies there and I end up feeling really depressed at how far I've still got to go. I'm frustrated with how inflexible I still am and how the range of motion for my shoulders is still relatively limited. Tired I guess....

The gym is harder since I stopped the running. I felt a real sense of achievement after I'd done a run. I don't get the same satisfaction from lifting weights. I'm already looking forward to my swim on Tuesday. I find that a lot more satisfying.

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