Tuesday 11 September 2012

My Summer Sporting Joy is Complete!

Woke up to the fantastic news that Andy Murray had won the US Open!! Absolutely thrilled for him. What an amazing way to finish off this spectacular sporting summer. When I went to bed, he had just won the first set and I was optimistic but didn't dare put the trophy in his hands. Looks like he fought tooth and nail for this victory, taking nearly 5 hours - sterling effort and flipping well deserved. I've ordered my celebratory towel and cap from the US Open - chuffed to bits.

From the BBC text commentary last night:
"Seventy-nine years ago, on 10 September, Fred Perry, seeded third, won the US National Championships to secure his inaugural Grand Slam win. In glorious sunshine, the Brit beat the second seed Jack Crawford, the then reigning Australian Open champion. Today, on 10 September, Andy Murray, the third seed... need I go on?" And....he did it....just as Fred Perry did 79 years ago. Beautiful symmetry.

.....now, it's nearly 8:30am and I need to get myself together to head off to the pool...

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