Friday 16 March 2012

Still not too well

This is the 3rd week when I've missed a gym session. The vertigo problem is still lingering although improving slowly. I've had a few mornings where I've woken up feeling nauseous because of the inner ear thing (I assume). The nerves seem particularly sensitive when in certain positions, lying horizontally. I'm also getting momentary flashes of vertigo if I scan a certain way with my eyes. Using binoculars for birding isn't very pleasant at the moment and reading can also induce the 'spinning' sensation. I don't feel confident using my eyes or turning my head, if that makes sense. I tend to have to do things slowly and deliberately, giving my brain plenty of warning.

Generally, I'm feeling exhausted mentally. I'm needing a lot of sleep and a lot of rest. My head gets tired easily when driving. This week the neighbour's tumble drier reduced me to tears of despair as it woke me up two mornings in a row when I was feeling particularly 'ill' and vulnerable. They followed it up later each day with another hour of droning and pulsing. Anyway, I won't get into that. I could write an entire blog on the years of stress and upset caused by that [insert expletive] machine!

In the midst of all this though, I did manage to get out to watch a couple of Short-eared Owls hunting over grassland locally. It was a beautiful, sunny, calm evening. The air was alive with the sound of Skylarks and the owls hunted undeterred by the horse riders, joggers, dog walkers etc all in the area. I wasn't really able to get the shutter speeds necessary for flight shots but the photo above gives a flavour of what I saw. The birds will leave for their breeding grounds in the next week or so, so I was glad to have made the effort to see them when we had the right conditions.

That's it really. The right hip structures remain a problem. The left shoulder remains a problem. My energy levels remain a problem. I really hope my inner ears don't get added to this list of chronic problems....

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