Saturday 31 March 2012

The End of March

Well, March seems to have been spent dealing with and recovering from the Labyrinthitis/vestibular neuritis. It wasn't until last week that I began to get my energy back (a bit) and the vertigo and constant headache became less of a problem. It helped that we had such glorious weather too. I've not been to the gym/pool all March, which is frustrating. However, I have been out birding a fair bit so I've not just been sat on the sofa deteriorating!'s hoping April is a chance to get back to a normal routine. One thing's for sure, I want to get rid of the headache, which seems to have accompanied the virus. I'm not sure there's been a day in the last 5 weeks when I haven't had a headache (including today!).

As ever, onwards and upwards.....

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