Friday 2 March 2012

Labyrinthitis Symptoms Recur

Woke up this morning. Tried to sit up in bed and immediately fell down again as my brain had no concept of where I was in space. The room and my head were spinning wildly. As I collapsed back down, I felt nauseous and still felt like the room was spinning. I lay there for a good 10 minutes wondering if I was actually going to be able to get out of bed today. I wondered if I might have to email someone from my laptop by my bed and had visions of the fire brigade having to break down my front door, lol! Anyway, after about 15 minutes of lying there, the room steadied, and I very, very slowly lifted myself up onto my elbows. From there, I eventually got up to sitting on the bed, and finally stood up. It seemed that once I'd achieved a vertical position, the symptoms reduced and I've coped ok so far, although my ears feel blocked/full and my head is generally rather 'swirly'.

Since that first bout of Labyrinths, I did develop a level of tinnitus in my ears. It hasn't been too bothersome and is most noticeable lying in bed at night, in the quiet. Apparently, the recurrence of symptoms like today isn't necessarily another attack of the virus. In my case, it's probably brought on my tiredness/deviation from routine yesterday, and my brain has forgotten to apply the compensating measures it learnt after the damage caused to the vestibular system last time around. It's called 'decompensation'. I guess my brain/nervous system is a delicate flower and is going to have to relearn the compensating pathways it developed last time. Better that than another damaging infection though. Here's hoping.....

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