Tuesday 31 January 2012

Run (3km in 23 mins)

A bit of an unusual week this week. I decided to see how I'd cope with a run/walk yesterday, having had 4 full days to recover from the swim last Wednesday.

I started off with 5 mins on the exercise bike to warm up. Then did the usual hips and lower back stretches. Did 10 glute bridges, with 5kg weight across my pelvis, to fire up my glutes and loosen my hip flexors, and then stretched out my adductors, quads, calves and hamstrings.

On the treadmill, I started off walking @ 6km/hr. Did that for about 1mins30secs then upped the pace to run, 10.3km/hr. I think I ran then until 5mins before dropping the pace to walking again (6.5km/hr). Walked for approx 1.5 mins before running again until 10mins. At that point (having completed about 1km 300m), I paused and stretched various muscles. I then repeated the same pattern for the next 10 mins but found that my right butt/hip muscles/tendons/whatever was beginning to really hurt so I ended up walking at a fast pace (7.2km/hr) for the last 600metres. In the end, I completed 3km in 23 mins.

I got off the treadmill and stretched the right butt muscles as much as possible, which seemed to help. At that point, nothing hurt when I walked, which was lovely. I felt good too.

1.5 hrs later the pain through the right hip and pelvic muscles kicked in. I took ibuprofen with lunch, iced my butt a couple of times through the afternoon and then took paracetamol before bed. I was tired out through the afternoon but rallied after tea and felt ok through the evening.

I feel quite tired today. My calves are stiff and the right hip/butt pain is still present but, I guess, I'm quite pleased. The LHS lower back pain improved after the run too but isn't completely gone.

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