Sunday 29 January 2012

LHS lower back pain & Swim (22 lengths)

A pretty Lesser Redpoll. A little finch which winters in the UK.

Ok, so, the Left butt/LHS lower back tightness/pain has lingered since doing the rowing. It's constant, ranging from a 3 to a 7 (out of 10) in terms of pain levels. Very, very disappointing as I thought this had gone. I've gone from little to no pain in that area for months to 10 days of a constant gnawing ache. I went for a swim on Wednesday as I thought it might help. It did but only in that it enabled me to relax and deal with the pain. I only did 22 lengths (in about 25 mins) as I didn't want to completely wear myself out. It felt good and I only had cramp in my right foot on the last 2-3 lengths.

I was extremely tired/sleepy through the afternoon. Struggled to stay upright or awake! Slept like the dead (after taking painkillers for the right hip structures - yup, that's still a problem!). I was still pretty tired on Thursday but recovering well. I'd say I was mostly recovered by Saturday.

I am at a loss as to what to do re: the hip structures pain. Obviously various tendons/muscles get irritated and inflamed by specific pressures but they never seem to improve. I don't know what to do to eradicate the problems?!?!

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