Wednesday 26 October 2011


One of the Autumn migrant Northern Wheatears around this month. And, another confiding youngster.

Well...three years. I can't quite believe it really is 3 years since I started this physical rehab in earnest! I was only explaining to someone yesterday about the process I'd been through. I remembered those first 6 months where I was doing 2 hours of physio exercises a day on my shoulders and hips/core. I was basically constantly exhausted and in constant pain. My whole day revolved around the hour in the morning and the hour in the afternoon when I'd do the exercises. I didn't have the capacity to think about anything else. It's only been in the last 6 months that I've begun to be able to expand my focus so that I'm not just planning my week around exercise and recovery.

So, this year has seen the switch to a "less is more" approach with just the one gym session a week and then 'normal life' stuff taking up the other aspects of keeping active/fit. The gym work has definitely helped my left shoulder to strengthen up and function better. My core is stronger. My hips are still problematic (i.e. the muscle/tendon system through the hips/pelvis) in that I'm still getting the pain in the right groin/lower ab, I'm still getting problems with my glutes/soft tissue etc. That's a cause of constant frustration (and pain!), but, I guess it has improved.

Generally, my resource levels have improved a little. My recovery times have improved a little. And that's it's a little by little process. What I wouldn't give for a quantum leap or significant improvement!! The patience that this requires is, well, you get the picture. I think this coming year will take a similar route. Stick with the gym and swimming. I will go back to the GP in the new year if the right upper thigh/groin problem is still around. By that point I will have done a year of the work that the previous physio recommended and, up until now, I'm not sure it has made any difference at all (I've simply learnt how to manage the condition better)!

So....onwards and upwards....

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