Friday 28 October 2011

1 km (40 lengths) Swim

A beautiful Kestrel enjoying the October sunshine.

I thought I'd better write this blog entry now because I suspect I'm going to be way too knackered tomorrow and probably Sunday.

The last time I went to the pool was July 15th. I'd decided I wanted to swim this week because the muscles etc through my pelvis and right upper thigh/groin are persistently painful and/or inflamed. I didn't want to do another punishing week in the gym.

I did my usual warm up in the kids' pool, then went to a lane in the adults' pool and got going. I had a few niggles through the front of my left shoulder but it was definitely the best it's ever been. I wasn't aware of any pain through my groins/pelvis, which was nice. I took a bottle of squash to have by the side of the pool and took a swig every 8 or so lengths to try to prevent the usual cramps. And, I steadily built up the lengths, alternating breast-stroke and backstroke. It wasn't until length 27 that I had cramp in my left foot and then after that a little in my right foot as well. I kept going until 32 lengths and then decided, why not, I'll go for 40 lengths! I was definitely pushing it by then but it felt like a great milestone to achieve. 1km in about 47 mins.

Since coming home, I've had lunch and taken some ibuprofen. My pelvis/glutes/groins are inflamed and I'm hoping that will minimise the problem. I am worn out and suspect I'll want to sleep this afternoon....

I shall be interested to see how I feel tomorrow, lol.

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