Sunday 30 October 2011

Sunday Evening Update

Thought I'd just check in with how I've faired since the swim. The quick answer is knackered! Yesterday, I was drained/exhausted, didn't want to do anything except sit quietly or watch telly. I was essentially waiting for bed from the moment I woke up, lol. I looked and felt like death warmed up. Today has been a little better although I've still felt (and looked) worn out and not done anything.

In terms of pain, it's been pretty good. No real shoulder pain. There's been the obvious right upper thigh/groin tightness/pain and right lower ab twinges/pain. Some tenderness/inflammation through hip structures. I took painkillers to be able to sleep with the right groin/hip pain on Friday night.

I'm hoping I'll feel a little more normal tomorrow....

Friday 28 October 2011

1 km (40 lengths) Swim

A beautiful Kestrel enjoying the October sunshine.

I thought I'd better write this blog entry now because I suspect I'm going to be way too knackered tomorrow and probably Sunday.

The last time I went to the pool was July 15th. I'd decided I wanted to swim this week because the muscles etc through my pelvis and right upper thigh/groin are persistently painful and/or inflamed. I didn't want to do another punishing week in the gym.

I did my usual warm up in the kids' pool, then went to a lane in the adults' pool and got going. I had a few niggles through the front of my left shoulder but it was definitely the best it's ever been. I wasn't aware of any pain through my groins/pelvis, which was nice. I took a bottle of squash to have by the side of the pool and took a swig every 8 or so lengths to try to prevent the usual cramps. And, I steadily built up the lengths, alternating breast-stroke and backstroke. It wasn't until length 27 that I had cramp in my left foot and then after that a little in my right foot as well. I kept going until 32 lengths and then decided, why not, I'll go for 40 lengths! I was definitely pushing it by then but it felt like a great milestone to achieve. 1km in about 47 mins.

Since coming home, I've had lunch and taken some ibuprofen. My pelvis/glutes/groins are inflamed and I'm hoping that will minimise the problem. I am worn out and suspect I'll want to sleep this afternoon....

I shall be interested to see how I feel tomorrow, lol.

Wednesday 26 October 2011


One of the Autumn migrant Northern Wheatears around this month. And, another confiding youngster.

Well...three years. I can't quite believe it really is 3 years since I started this physical rehab in earnest! I was only explaining to someone yesterday about the process I'd been through. I remembered those first 6 months where I was doing 2 hours of physio exercises a day on my shoulders and hips/core. I was basically constantly exhausted and in constant pain. My whole day revolved around the hour in the morning and the hour in the afternoon when I'd do the exercises. I didn't have the capacity to think about anything else. It's only been in the last 6 months that I've begun to be able to expand my focus so that I'm not just planning my week around exercise and recovery.

So, this year has seen the switch to a "less is more" approach with just the one gym session a week and then 'normal life' stuff taking up the other aspects of keeping active/fit. The gym work has definitely helped my left shoulder to strengthen up and function better. My core is stronger. My hips are still problematic (i.e. the muscle/tendon system through the hips/pelvis) in that I'm still getting the pain in the right groin/lower ab, I'm still getting problems with my glutes/soft tissue etc. That's a cause of constant frustration (and pain!), but, I guess it has improved.

Generally, my resource levels have improved a little. My recovery times have improved a little. And that's it's a little by little process. What I wouldn't give for a quantum leap or significant improvement!! The patience that this requires is, well, you get the picture. I think this coming year will take a similar route. Stick with the gym and swimming. I will go back to the GP in the new year if the right upper thigh/groin problem is still around. By that point I will have done a year of the work that the previous physio recommended and, up until now, I'm not sure it has made any difference at all (I've simply learnt how to manage the condition better)!

So....onwards and upwards....

Saturday 22 October 2011

Obvious Improvement

A Meadow Pipit enjoying the October sunshine this week.

Where to begin? It has been a tiring couple of weeks, unsurprisingly. But, I have been extremely pleased with how I've coped. I didn't suffer from the usual headaches, backache and overwhelm. All the physical rehab is definitely paying off - my stamina and strength for dealing with demanding emotional and social situations has really improved.

I guess I'm a bit tired today after the gym yesterday (and the preceding week!) so this will be a short entry. The main thing to note is that the hard rehab work is worth it.

The right upper/inner thigh/groin problem still around.

Saturday 8 October 2011

DIY & A Loss

A shot of a juvenile, migrant Stonechat. I spent a wonderful hour with this confiding youngster. As is often the case with juveniles, it let me get within photographic distance, which is a real treat.

Ok, so the last couple of weeks have been a bit out of the ordinary. I skipped the gym/pool on Friday 30th Sept. We had this exceptionally still, warm weather (~29 deg C) for a good 5 days and I needed to take advantage of it to get some household maintenance done. So, last Friday through to Tuesday was spent preparing and then re-sealing and painting the porch door frame and concrete surround. Hopefully, that will sort out the damp issues I was getting inside the porch.

The other reason for missing the gym was because the muscles through my pelvis have been really sore/inflamed. They've still not settled down and I took it very easy on them at the gym yesterday.

The DIY was exercise enough and I tried to make sure that I didn't overdo it or get hyper-focused. All too often, I get into a state where I completely tune out from my body/needs and concentrate solely on the job in hand. This often leads to a 'crash' afterwards and a need for days of recovery. This time, I think I just about got the balance right - making sure I took breaks and 'tuned out' regularly from the job.

On Tuesday evening I heard that my Granny had died. It had been expected but even so, these things tend to throw me. I skipped my pottery class that evening (term started the previous Tuesday).

It's been a funny old week since then. I guess that's the way things are with bereavement. It tends to produce a sense of unreality and difficulty in processing normal daily life. I keep thinking about next week - the funeral - and wondering if I'll cope ok. Generally, I've felt a bit tired and the gym yesterday was a little more arduous than normal.

Essentially, I did the usual gym set but left out the step-ups and kept the weight lower on the leg press (10 reps 41kg; 10 reps 48kg). I also managed to snap my blue theraband doing the hip abduction/adduction/extensions, which is annoying. I'm not sure where I'll get another one. I felt tired out through the afternoon/evening and had the usual mild strains through my trunk/legs. However, the right upper thigh/front of hip problem wasn't aggravated yesterday, which made a very welcome change!

I'll be at the funeral next Friday so no gym session next week. It feels now as though my mind/focus is fixed upon that point in time and the next few days are all 'leading up to' then.

Post Script Sunday 9/10/2011: Watched the Xfactor last night (Link). Completely blown away by Craig Colton - what a voice and what a great guy. Gives me goose bumps every time I listen to it and brings tears to my eyes. Definitely the winner.