Sunday 7 August 2011

Weekly check in

Image quality isn't great here but I liked how you could compare the two species of Sandpiper (Green, right; Common, left). The water at the local reservoir is very low so these waders were miiiiles away, hence the lack of image detail. Anyway, you've got the characteristic white 'shoulder notch' on the Common Sandpiper and the more grey/black plumage on the Green Sandpiper. Hopefully, one of these days, I'll get some closer views of these species.

Giving myself Saturday and Sunday as recovery days worked well last week. I felt less exhausted and more able to do things during the week. The right upper thigh problem persists, aggravated by almost any use of the leg. The gym session yesterday was good although I felt weak on the push-up-pluses again. The left shoulder was less painful generally and felt easier to manage. I worked my abs quite hard and have the usual right lower ab ache/strain. Feeling a bit tired and washed out today.

My tumble drying neighbours are now back from their two week holiday. It has been absolute bliss without the constant threat of that intrusive noise. I've been able to enjoy peace and quiet in my own home. I had been able to walk through my front door without dreading the sound of that machine droning on. My mind was able to expand out of the stress and 'hemmed in' feeling that the tumble drier noise generates within me. When I heard that the neighbours were back, I could feel my world contracting again, back to the dread and anger associated with being unable to control the peace in my own home. After the 40 hours of tumble drying (nearly 6 hours a day!) they did in the week before they went away, I am very glad I'm going to stay with family this coming week. Hopefully, the neighbours will get their post-holiday washing/drying done by the time I get home!

Edit 11:45am - Tumble drier has just come on.... [sigh]

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