Friday 26 August 2011

August Check In

I got my wish in recent weeks and enjoyed wonderfully close views of this Green Sandpiper. Here, it's winkling out food from under stones and the mud.

It's been a fairly steady but busy few weeks. It's mostly been a case of sticking with things. I'm managing a little longer out birding and the weights at the gym are feeling more stable and more comfortable to deal with. The nagging problem is the right upper thigh and it seems to be referring pain/dysfunction through the back of the knee to the outer ankle as well. I went easy at the gym this morning on the leg work. I missed out the step ups and leg extensions. I could feel that if I pushed it, I'd end up spending the week nursing my right leg.

My shoulders feel like they are strengthening up nicely. I upped the weight on the seated rows from 6kg to 8kg on the last set of 10 reps today. For the past 2 weeks, I've also been using a 3lb weight (rather than the 1.1lbs) for the front raises, lying on my back (targeting the anterior deltoid muscles). I only do 10 reps but, in time, the endurance should improve.

All in all, things are still moving in the right direction. I just wish the right thigh problem would show some signs of improvement.

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