Saturday 4 June 2011

LHS lower back improvement

A male Yellowhammer from a birding trip last month. It took about 20 minutes to be able to take a shot - he was very good at hiding!

So, it's been a couple of weeks since I last updated here. Last weekend involved visiting family and various long drives in awful weather and bank holiday/half term traffic. Needless to say, I had to miss the gym on Friday, conserving resources for all of that. I was pleased, however, to find that the LHS lower back tightness/ache, which normally kicks in when having to sit for any longer than an hour, didn't recur. In fact, it's been over 2 weeks since I had any pain there. The left glute/hip pain which seems to be connected to that is also improving, although that still seems to be an issue sometimes.

It felt good to get back to the gym yesterday. I had a decent session - felt stronger and more sure of not injuring myself. Having said that, I do have a few mild strains today - right upper thigh and the usual right ab strains. I don't really know how to deal with this recurring right ab problem. I seem to hurt it every time I try to strengthen the area. I was using the minimum amount of weight on the trunk twists (2kg) but I've still hurt it.

The inner/rear knee soreness/pain, whenever I walked, persisted until after last weekend (which was spent mostly in the car). The right upper thigh tightness/ache has been constant and has also been causing weakness in the right knee. I'm hoping it's just one of those things that, with perseverance, will settle down. I'm guessing that a tendon/nerve is slighting impinged and, perhaps, with some stretching and strengthening, it'll release and resolve.

I've been quite surprised by the fact that going to the gym less frequently seems to be more constructive. It's almost as if it takes 2 weeks (rather than 1) for my body to respond/rebuild after each session. Anyway, I've decided I'm going to the pool next week. I've not been for a couple of months and I'm already looking forward to the soothing, relaxing nature of the experience. It's one of those activities that really soothes both my body and mind.

I think today is going to be a 'growing muscles' day. I'm pretty tired after yesterday's gym session and the right upper thigh strain needs rest.

Yesterday's Gym Set:
  • 5 mins exercise bike
  • Hip/lower back stretches
  • Glute bridges (10 secs hold) 3 reps then with 5kg dumbell across hips 10 reps, 10 sec holds
  • Press ups (plus) (at 45 deg angle) 2 x 8 reps
  • Hip extension, abduction, adduction with blue theraband 2 x 8 reps
  • Leg press 41kg 10 reps, 48kg 2 x 10 reps
  • Seated rows 4kg 10 reps (kept arms extended so just worked scapular muscles), 6kg 3 x 10 reps
  • Wobble board 4 mins
  • Leg extension 10kg 2 x 10 reps, 15kg 10 reps
  • Trunk twist using cable weights 2kg 2 x 10 reps
  • Step ups (with 5kg dumbells) 3 x 10 reps
  • Bicep curls 4kg 4 x 5 reps
  • Combo lateral/front shoulder raises whilst sitting on exercise ball 3lbs 2 x 10 reps
  • Plank 3 x 30 sec hold
  • Both shoulders, front raise, lying on my back 1lb 10 reps
  • Stretching: hips/lower back, hamstrings and chest/pecs

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