Saturday 25 June 2011

Keeping at it

A shot from my trip to The Lodge RSPB in Sandy, Bedfordshire two weeks ago. A pair of Spotted Flycatchers have bred near the gatehouse. This, I think, is the female. She spent most of her time in the nest box, on the eggs. I waited a good 2 hours before she came out to do a spot of fly catching in the sun. It was a wonderful sight - such a delicate, graceful little bird. At one point, she fluttered down to within a metre of my feet to catch her prey. They're one of those species that aren't too bothered about humans, making the experience all the more intimate.

In terms of rehab, it's been a promising couple of weeks. I had to miss the gym last Friday because I was visiting family, but I went yesterday and have also been doing a good deal of walking/birding.

...back later to finish this off.

26 June 2011
...a bit 'later' than I planned, I was wiped out yesterday. I think I pushed pretty hard at the gym on Friday. Feeling less drained today but still not up to doing much.

Ok, so, not actually that much to report. It's a case of plugging away. The LHS lower back and left glute/hip ache/pain does seem to have been a lot better these last couple of weeks. I'd almost say it's finally gone but you never know. The right upper thigh/front of hip/groin problem is perhaps improving too as long as I keep stretching out the adductors. The left shoulder is still restricted on external rotation, which is frustrating. However, for the first time on Friday, I was able to keep within the pain-free range of motion to complete all the exercises. It felt good not to be 'wincing' and 'guarding' on the shoulder sets. My triceps/arms seemed to have lost some strength - the push-ups-plus were harder than normal. A positive note is that I didn't have to ice anything after the gym this week - I think that's the first time ever!

Strangely, it's the left gut pain which has been a problem these last couple of weeks. Before the iron deficiency diagnosis, I had numerous tests etc etc for what became debilitating left abdo/gut pain. Nothing would relieve it. It was just this constant, gnawing pain, day in, day out, for years. As soon as my iron levels began to return to normal, the pain went. I've no idea why it's suddenly recurred. Stress, maybe. Hopefully, it'll just go away on its own.

I'm hoping there won't be any 'interruptions' for the next couple of weeks and I'll be able to consistently get to the gym/pool on Fridays. I think my arm muscles in particular lose strength if I miss the weekly workout. My upper body remains the weakest area with a long way to go....!

I recognise that these posts are getting less and less interesting, (if they ever were interesting, lol). This whole rehab process is more often than not, as boring as watching paint dry. All I can do is keep stimulating my body/muscles/mind and hoping that it'll respond accordingly. I have learnt that for me, at least, I have to be extremely patient. My brain/nervous system doesn't instigate change rapidly. But, I hope that change it does....eventually.

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