Saturday 11 June 2011

Another 32 Lengths (0.5 Miles)

It's that time of year when the House Martins are back and nesting in the close where I live. They make the most of the muddy puddles on the verges to collect mud and small stones for nesting material, each loading up their beak as shown in the image.

I made it back to the pool yesterday after not going for 2 months. Unfortunately the right upper/inner thigh tightness/pain was already present and niggled throughout. However, it really did feel good to be in the water. After not going for so long, I wasn't really sure what to expect and decided I'd try for 20 lengths and anything else would be a bonus. I did some warm up exercises and got going. I did the usual alternating lengths of breaststroke and backstroke. I immediately had pain in the left front shoulder (I think it's where the bicep tendon attaches). Every breaststroke was accompanied by that pain but I figured it wasn't 'serious' and just put up with it. I took it slowly, as ever - 2 lengths then a rest, then the next 2 lengths etc. Little by little I ended up reaching the 32 lengths again (0.5 miles) in 45 mins. I was chuffed to bits. It did actually feel easier than the first time I did it a couple of months ago. It was annoying that the left shoulder and right thigh hurt throughout and I had right foot cramps from length 25 onwards, but, all in all, there were signs of progress.

I felt typically tired/sleepy through the afternoon but didn't have any significant pain anywhere. I didn't take painkillers to be able to sleep last night, which is a bonus. After the gym session last Friday, I had to take painkillers that night, Saturday and Sunday for the right upper/inner thigh and I iced it daily.

During the week, I went birding on Tuesday morning for a couple of hours. I felt drained and headachy in the afternoon but felt ok on Wednesday. Wednesday evening I went to table tennis and played for 75 mins without too many twinges/pains. I was glad of a rest day on Thursday before the pool yesterday.

Generally, it's been a positive week (physically). The chronic right upper/inner thigh problem is really annoying - there doesn't seem to be any way to alleviate it. Feeling a little drained today and looking forward to chilling out in front of the semi-finals of Queen's!

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