Saturday 26 February 2011

Back at Table Tennis

It's a garden Robin, taken a few weeks ago. I'd gone into the garden to fill up the feeders and this little fella was obviously annoyed that I'd entered his/her territory. He watched me like a hawk and let me get a few photos of him/her posing.

No gym or pool this week as I was going away on Thursday to stay with family, which didn't allow for sufficient recovery time. Instead, I've had a few decent walks and I went along to the table tennis club on Tuesday evening, which was great. It was the first time I'd been this year.

Apart from the match players, there were only 2 of us there to play socially so we had the table to ourselves all evening. I had a good laugh and actually played really well. I was also very pleasantly surprised by the lack of aches and pains. Normally, I have right neck and shoulder/arm pain right from the very start but I don't think anything hurt last week. The same was true the following day. I felt tired out (I'd played for 90 minutes) but I didn't have any particular neck/shoulder/arm pain (although I did have the usual right upper/inner thigh tightness/pain). It was another indication that finally something is beginning to change significantly - the gym work is paying off., I'm looking forward to getting back into the gym this coming week.

Saturday 19 February 2011

Swim (26 Lengths)

Two images of the same bird, tucking into different apples on the same tree (if that all makes sense!). This single Fieldfare, taken earlier this month, had a tree full of rotting apples all to itself.

A short post today. Kinda struggling with things other than the physical rehab. Isolation, really (as Britany Spears says, "the loneliness is killing me"). Anyway, went to the pool this week. Managed 26 lengths (13 backstroke, 13 breaststroke), the most I've done so far. Foot cramp (RHS) and left, front shoulder pain didn't kick in until about the 20th length, which is better than previously. Generally, I feel like the strength gained in the gym is paying off. Took a good 2 days to recover. Completely worn out on both Wednesday and Thursday.

I'm more confident that the way forward is the gym work. It's the only way I seem to be able to put on muscle/strength.

Saturday 12 February 2011

Strength Improving

Above are shots of the two species of Pochard we get in the UK. The top image is of the rarer Red-crested Pochard (drake), below him is an image of the male and female Red-crested Pochard, and finally, the bottom shot is of the smaller species, the Common Pochard (a drake). I had a lovely day this week, when the sun put in a rare appearance and I got up to the local reservoirs. These two ducks came up close to shore giving me a chance to get some decent photographs.

I enjoyed my gym session this week. I went on the Wednesday, which meant I'd had a full 7 days recovery since the session on the previous Tuesday. It seemed to make a significant difference. I didn't feel exhausted before I'd even started and I felt good through the whole work-out. I took it easy on the hip adduction/abduction/extension after the mild strains from last week. I also modified how I did the seated rows, so that I didn't extend my left arm all the way back on the pull stroke. This helped to prevent significant pain in my left shoulder. I actually came away from the gym feeling good rather than typically drained and wanting to sleep immediately.

I was worn out on Thursday and still pretty drained yesterday. I've also been needing to ice my left shoulder/arm/elbow. I think the press-ups have caused some mild tendonitis as its aching like anything through the arm and is esp painful at the elbow.

I'm looking forward to getting to the pool this week. I've probably written this in an earlier post, but my plan is to do two weeks in the gym, one week in the pool. It seems like the best way to avoid putting too much stress on my joints and to actually use the muscles I'm building in the gym as I go along. It also means I get some decent cardiovascular exercise as well, which feels good. Finally, the water really is very relaxing and relieving on my muscles etc.

Saturday 5 February 2011

First Week at the Gym

Another shot of one of this Winter's local Waxwings.

It was my first visit to the local gym on Tuesday. And, it went very well. The guy 'inducting' me, showed me how all the machines work and made sure I had all the equipment I need to do the hospital workout. Then he left me to it. It's quite a small, cramped-feeling place and they have music blasting out and cold fans on everywhere but it has everything I need and it's accessible/affordable. I shall just have a wear a thicker jumper next week. I asked the gym guy to add in something to strengthen my upper back. He showed me how to use the seated row machine, which definitely worked the right muscles (although it aggravated the left shoulder pain/problems).

I was typically wiped out in the afternoon on Tuesday and through Wednesday. I had a few mild strains through my legs, which I think are healing up ok.

Friday morning I had my 'sign off' session at the hospital physio dept. Essentially, they think I'm doing very well and I just need to keep it up. Apparently the post-exercise exhaustion is normal (??) and should improve as I get stronger/fitter. Only time will tell I suppose.

The LHS lower back and left hip ache have been annoying again this week. I also seem to be getting knee pain (either side of the joints) from the gym work. Hopefully, it's nothing serious - just a case of strengthening those tendons/ligaments.

Bit tired today so will leave it there.