Sunday 7 March 2010


Finally some Spring sunshine and a beautiful female Blackbird celebrating with bathing 'fireworks'!

It's been another 2 weeks sticking to the rehab schedule. My head hasn't always been keeping up with my muscles and I've definitely had highs and lows (tears). Woke up today with a sore throat which I think I caught at pottery on Friday. Generally, even when I don't feel particularly well, I'm trying to stick to rehab because I reckon that more often than not, the feelings are psychologically based rather than muscular limitations. Last week, I didn't feel at all well on Monday/Tuesday but went along to table tennis on Tuesday evening and felt a lot better for it.

This week, I'm noticing subtle improvements. The pool work felt easier - I felt stronger. The bike work today felt easier (in spite of the sore throat and 'thick head') - I didn't have any hip/back pain whilst cycling and the usual shoulder/arm pain/aches were a lot less. I did have the LHS mid/lower back tightness/pain afterwards but it's not too bad. My muscles are adapting!

I'm hoping to keep up the momentum until Easter and then have a break, whilst I'm away. Since the start of the year, I've kept up a consistent effort to meet targets and it seems to be paying off. The break will be a welcome relief and a chance for muscles to grow.

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