Sunday 21 February 2010

A Sniffle

Kept up with all the rehab this week. There was no pottery on Friday due to it being half term, which turned out to be a good thing. I've been fighting off a mild cold, the main symptom being a sinus headache and a general feeling of having a 'thick head'. That came on Wednesday evening and is still hanging around. Today, I stuck to doing the 25 minutes on the bike but didn't go as fast as normal (I think I did 6 miles instead of 7+ miles). But, that's it. I've been too scared to do anything else in case it makes me feel really ill. I have so little confidence in my body/mind to respond in a healthy way to things that even a sniffle sends me running for Vitamin C and lots of rest. Admittedly, I feel pretty tired and washed out but I hate days where I seem to just have to wait for time to pass.

At the risk of speaking too soon, I do feel like I'm on the verge of my body actually starting to ramp up its rehab rate. It's been a good 16 months of minutely slow, painful progress but I'm getting glimpses now of my muscles, well my leg/hip/core muscles, being just about ready to cope with greater demands. I might begin to add in a session with ankle weights, doing some step-ups. We'll see.

Hoping I feel better tomorrow....

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