Sunday 7 February 2010

Plodding on....

A similar sort of week as last week. Pushing on with everything. It's been another dull, grey, wet weekend and I've not done much apart from rehab and rest. I'm tired out. Frustrated with the LHS mid/lower back tightness/pain. I think I've narrowed the source of the pain down to the deep, soft tissue structures between the vertebrae. They simply seem to go into spasm with use of my core.....which, I suppose, suggests my core strength is still not good enough to stabilise my spine when walking/cycling etc. By the end of yesterday's 50 min walk, my LHS mid/lower back was really tight/painful. Today, it's not been much better although I was pleased I managed the 25 mins on the bike without too bad a flare up.

My shoulders/arms continue to hurt. Again....feeling impatient with the lack of progress in terms of reduction in pain. I've been rehabbing my shoulders for over a year and I would have thought they would have adapted by now. My body is painfully (lol!) slow to adapt!

Edit: I should add that my left shoulder has improved slightly - the range of pain-free motion is everso slightly bigger and it is getting stronger.

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