Sunday 24 January 2010


I think there has actually been some daylight today! It's been such a grim, depressing week in terms of the weather. Short, dark days with varying degrees of rain, drizzle, fog and biting north easterly winds. It's enough to make you curl up and join the hedgehogs until the Spring!

Having one of those day-dreaming afternoons where I've run out of energy and everything hurts too much to move so I make good use of the internet. It's been a testing week. Tuesday evening's long Table Tennis session and the ensuing right shoulder/arm pain/stiffness; the early Wednesday morning pool session which taxed both shoulders/arms and has left them aching and painful since; Thursday I did a 35 minute walk and shoulder physio exercises (+ therapy); Friday was a very early morning to get to a particularly physically demanding Pottery session (which finished me off for the day); yesterday I did another 35 minutes walk and hip/core physio exercises (both shoulders/arms were stiff and painful from pottery), and, today, I've done 25 minutes on the bike and shoulder physio exercises! I guess it's not surprising that my shoulder girdle aches right down through my arms; my neck is aching and my back and hips are tired.

Anyways....back to my day-dreaming.....inspired no doubt by my being glued to the Australian Open Tennis, I've been surfing the net for nice looking track suits and sports bags....dreaming of a time when my body is pain-free and strong enough to be seriously involved in a sport again. When I was younger I lived in my sports gear - always playing something or other - and it feels like a return to sport (and all that that entails, clothing included!) would mark a return to something quite fundamentally 'me'. Perhaps everyone feels more solid and grounded and 'themselves' when they experience their own physical strength, agility and power. Perhaps it's about being in control of ones body, being able to rely on it, call upon it to move this way and that, being able to harness ones power in order to control a shot or kick or hit or stroke or whatever applies. Sport, for me, is about freedom and movement and power and feeling alive and real. And, I can't wait to get back to it....!

In the meantime, I can dream about what snazzy track suits and smart sports bags symbolise, lol.

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