Thursday 24 September 2009

Physio session

Went for my second appointment for my shoulder today. The pain I get is mostly down the upper/back of the arm. The physio identified a number problems, all essentially relating to deconditioning: tight/deconditioned nerves, restricted acromioclavicular joint, and muscle knots at the back of the shoulder, just under the arm pit. She worked on each of them, mobilising the nerve, the joint and then trying to release the muscle. At one point I actually felt quite faint from the pain/manipulation but thankfully it passed. By the end of the session I knew I was going to be in pain this afternoon! And, once again, I'm aware of the general weakness of the whole structure. Just the assessment exercises of lifting the arms up in front and then out to the side are really hard work. They wore out my right shoulder/arm as much as they did the left!

....anyways....this afternoon I've dosed myself up on painkillers - the intense ache set in pretty quickly. A hot water bottle applied to the back of the shoulder is also helping. Strangely, I feel pretty wiped out by the whole thing. I hope it all feels better tomorrow....

Wednesday 23 September 2009

Hydrotherapy - improvement

....just back from the weekly hydrotherapy session. It felt good today. My muscles worked smoothly and apart from the slight twinge on the LHS of my back, there was no pain. And, when I came out of the changing rooms, I could actually walk without pain! That is a first. Normally, my left glutes/hips muscles give off sharp pain on foot strike and the LHS of my lower back is tight and painful. But, today, there was a significant improvement.

Over the past couple of weeks I've returned to doing the original daily physio exercises to strengthen/stabilise my core muscles and recondition the hips. My hope was that this would relieve the chronic back and hip pain. And, it seems to be working. It's annoying though that the only way to get my core muscles working is to keep up the physio routines. I wonder how long I'll have to stick at this before my core just does what it's supposed to do!?!

My left shoulder/arm is having a painful week, lol. I'm seeing my physio again tomorrow. Hopefully she'll help ease things up again.

Edited 20:11: I've not felt tired/sleepy at all this afternoon/evening which is another real improvement.

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Aching hip

The last couple of weeks have been dogged by chronic left hip/glute and lower back pain. I've kept up with the exercise routines, tried to massage out any knots, applied heat and rested when necessary. However, I'm now having to take painkillers to be able to sleep at night as the pain stops me from dropping off.

The bike work in particular seems to aggravate the ache. And, then, I can't sit for long periods because the pain intensifies. So, it eases when I move but as soon as I stop and sit or lie down, it becomes this gnawing ache through from my lower back, through my left hip, into my groin and even down my leg. I wish I knew what was causing the pain and how it might be stopped! I can't believe it's a lack of muscle strength any longer. Surely, by now, the glutes are strong enough.

I've started work with a private physiotherapist locally for my shoulder. But, I think I really need some help with my hip now....*sigh*.....

The pool work today felt good (aside from the annoying left hip/back twinges).