Sunday 19 August 2012

New Lower Back Pain

After last Thursday/Friday, I thought that I'd just mildly strained my lower back from the daily physio and gym session. However, it turned out to be a chronic thing, most probably nerve related (as the muscles are fine but the pain remains). So, I've been taking painkillers all week to sleep (and occasionally during the day) for lower back pain and right butt/hip pain. Stopped all physio and went to the pool on Friday rather than the gym. Swimming helped but the back pain returned Saturday morning after standing just a short time.

I have worked out that one of the right hip problems may be pudendal nerve irritation. The symptoms fit perfectly. Will let the physio or GP know if/when it helps.

Physical/mental recovery has definitely been better since coming off the Trazodone.

That's it. Fed up with being in pain really after hoping for the reduction in hip pain and ending up with chronic back pain and even worse hip pain!!!

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