Saturday 4 August 2012

More Murray Magic

A great day for sitting in front of the telly! Thoroughly enjoyed the Murray and Robson matches today. Full of skill, drama and smiles. I wonder if Murray can manage double Gold?! Either way, it's uplifting and exciting to have GB in the final of two Olympic tennis events. Great effort Andy - well done!

I should perhaps make some excuse as to why I post about Andy Murray on my rehab blog. It's not just because he's the best and most talented tennis player to come out of Britian in the last 70+ years. It's also because I am very aware of the hard physical work he's put in over the years. I have watched him transform his physique from good to excellent. He's put hours and hours of work into gaining muscle and condition. I don't think it came as naturally to him as to perhaps someone like Nadal. He has really had to work hard at it. And, that's where I feel some degree of affinity with him. It's taken him years. And, it'll take me years. We're world's apart but both with a goal to improve physical fitness for the lives we lead.

I really do take comfort from the fact that it has taken him years. It wasn't something he achieved in one season or even two. And, he's gaining all the time. I also take comfort from the fact that what he's achieved has been done with immense support, expertise and guidance. None of which I have. I don't have a physio to treat the sore muscles; I don't have access to an MRI scanner to assess with tendon I strained; I don't have a personal trainer or adviser or any kind of expert input. I am doing it alone. Therefore, I reckon I can be proud of what I've achieved so far and recognise that even with all the support/expertise etc in the world, it still takes years to transform one's physique if you're a 'hard gainer'.

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