Tuesday 8 November 2011

The Swim Did Me In!

This time, the raptor is a Peregrine Falcon. It's a distant shot, on a gloomy afternoon, but I was pleased that I got something.

....so....yes, it seemed to take all week to recover from the swim on the 28th. I coped but, basically, I felt drained and depleted all week. I looked like death warmed up. I slept like a log every night and wanted more sleep. On Tuesday, 1st Nov, I had a long day which included 100miles of driving, 4 hours looking for/waiting for a bird to show and then pottery in the evening. I was good for nothing on Wednesday. And, by Friday, I was still worn out and it seemed silly to attempt the gym or pool. I took another recovery day, which did me the world of good.

Having missed the gym on Friday, I was feeling pretty good over the weekend and got out birding on both days. It made a refreshing change to not be drained and exhausted. Monday morning I'm up early for a course at the local college, which runs 9-11am. The early start normally catches up on me in the afternoon, I feel tired/sleepy and worn out. However, yesterday, it was a lot easier to cope with, which just shows how long it takes me to recover from the Friday gym sessions. It's not really until Wednesday/Thursday that I get to around 80% recovered before I launch into it again on the Friday. I guess, on the one hand, it's useful to know that recovery is still prolonged but, on the other hand, it's frustrating. I wish I knew how to speed up that process....

This week, I plan on returning to a normal Friday gym session.


  1. I just started swimming because I work as a transcriptionist and I cannot exercise tranditionally or do weights because of a cervical spine stenosis/scoliosis. I decided to try swimming. I swam for an hour 2 days in a row and felt sick for two days. I honestly wondered if I was going to fall over dead. But on day 4 I feel good enough to go out and swim again today. I am hoping that if I swim every other day I can get more used to it. I am very glad to see your blog!!!! After years of transcribing at a computer for 10 hours a day and not being able to exercise I am hoping swimming will be my mode of getting back into some sort of cardiac shape. I'm 48 and feel like a blob. Good luck to you!

  2. Hi there, it sounds like you're heading in the right direction although don't overdo it ;-)! When I first started exercising after being incapacitated for a number of years, I initially felt 'fine'. However, within a few weeks of trying to swim every-other-weekday and run in between times, I had strains/injuries through all major muscles groups. Swimming uses all sorts of muscles that normally don't get used and can certainly drain you. Make sure you listen to your body (and those exhaustion levels). I hope you at least give yourself the weekend off! Good luck to you too.


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