Saturday 16 July 2011

Improving Recovery?

Spring Mallard Ducklings, lined up nicely for a photo op, lol.

Enjoyed my swim yesterday. Managed 32 lengths in 40 mins (I normally take 45+ mins, so was pleased to reduce the time). I've decided I'll stick to the 32 lengths and gradually build up my speed. At the moment, I'm still stopping after at least every 2 lengths to allow my muscles to recover. Eventually, I'd like to get to a point where I can comfortably go up and down the pool without needing such intense pacing.

I probably say this every time I go to the pool, but it still feels like a massive achievement to do those 32 lengths. I remember when I could barely manage 1 due to the instability of my hips/shoulder joints and lack of strength through my body. It basically feels like I've had to rebuild every single muscle in my body and that's why it's taken so long.

I had mild twinges/pain through my front left shoulder and the right upper thigh remains tight/problematic. I had foot cramps at various points but they responded well to stretching and I could carry on until it cramped up again. I've still got mild stinging strains through my right abs which were aggravated a little by the swimming. It's hard to know how to manage this. It doesn't seem to make any difference what I do - rest, icing, gentle use, hard use, stretching etc etc, nothing seems to resolve this abdominal muscle weakness. Whatever I do, I always seem to aggravate it.

My left shoulder remains restricted (esp external rotation) and painful at the end of the range of motion.

I didn't need to take any painkillers last night for my shoulder or right thigh, which made a pleasant change. I think that's only the second time I've not had to do that after the pool/gym.

To my delight, I don't feel quite as drained/exhausted this morning as I usually do after the pool/gym. I don't feel like doing anything much today but at least it might not be a struggle to stay awake/function, which is nice. I've not bothered with the iron tablets this week. I don't know whether they made a difference or not and my gut doesn't really like them, hence not taking one yesterday/today.

It's chucking it down with rain today and forecast again for tomorrow. I guess it'll be a restful weekend indoors!

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