Sunday 31 July 2011

Nothing new

Juvenile Green Woodpeckers taken in the local park/woodland this month.

Just checking in really. Nothing new to report. Left glute/hip with LHS lower back tightness/ache suddenly recurred quite badly all through last week. Very frustrating. It's flared up again today and will no doubt hang around this week too. Wish I knew the cause!

Right upper thigh/front of hip still problematic.

Gym session went well on Friday though. Pleased with how I was managing. Tried to add a little more to strengthening my abdominal muscles. I'm always very cautious about them cos of recurring strains which would take months to heal. I've decided to push things a bit more in that area and see how the muscles cope. I've definitely got a few mild stinging strains esp to the RHS abs but hopefully they will heal up/strengthen up by next Friday. Took painkillers on Friday night for right thigh and right abs to be able to sleep.

I've rested up this weekend. Would rather recover properly over the 2 days than drag out the recovery over the whole week.

Saturday 23 July 2011

Two exercises that have really helped

Been a bit fed up and frustrated this week but nothing to do with the rehab, lol. I think I recovered pretty well from the swim last Friday. On Sunday, I heard that another group of Black-tailed Godwits had stopped off at the local reservoir. They have been turning up quite regularly over the past week or so - coming from their breeding grounds in Iceland, heading south (Africa etc) for the winter. Unfortunately, I kept missing them. They tend to only stop for an hour or so. Anyway, on Sunday, the weather was bad enough to keep these beautiful waders a little longer than normal and by the time I got up there late morning, the 5 birds were still present. Above a couple of shots of 3 of the birds. The light/weather was rubbish so the colours are a bit muddy but I was still pleased to get any kind of shot. Previously, I've only ever had very distant views of these birds.

The source of my frustration this week has been my neighbour and her [insert expletive] tumble drier. It's an ongoing saga. This week, I've sat through the best part of FORTY HOURS of her tumble drying! It has been driving me absolutely nuts. The machine is obviously old and its pulsing drone reverberates around my house, sounding like I'm in a ship's engine room. I've tried talking to her on a number of occasions but they really couldn't care less. I guess she must be taking in drying for other people. This week it has been a source of misery, lol!

So, yes, by Wednesday/Thursday, I was feeling tired/washed out and fed up. I was very glad to get to the gym yesterday morning. It was a good session. The week at the pool had helped various niggles to resolve and I felt stronger. My left shoulder wasn't too bad at all. I stuck to the same set as previously. My right upper thigh/groin was problematic, as usual. I took painkillers for it to be able to sleep last night. I felt tired through the afternoon but rallied after a cuppa at 4ish.

I meant to write a few weeks ago that there are two exercises which I think have really helped me. The first is the glute bridge. That seems to have really strengthened and balanced out the muscles around my hips/lower back. It serves to loosen the hip flexors too which, I think, then allows the the glutes to kick in better and support my lower back. I've gone from just about managing 10 reps with 10 second holds to the same exercise with a 7kg dumbbell across my pelvis.

The other exercise which has helped is the seated rows with cable weights. Initially, my left shoulder was too restricted and it caused significant pain. But, as the weeks went on, I was careful and the shoulder loosened up and strengthened up. I really feel like this exercise, above all others, has helped my left shoulder to function better. Generally, it has helped both shoulders and my upper back to 'fire up' again and feel a lot more stable/sturdy.

If I had to do just 3 exercises, I'd choose those mentioned above with the addition of the push-up-plus. Together, they have significantly helped my shoulders and hip joints to stabilise and my back/core to strengthen up.

Saturday 16 July 2011

Improving Recovery?

Spring Mallard Ducklings, lined up nicely for a photo op, lol.

Enjoyed my swim yesterday. Managed 32 lengths in 40 mins (I normally take 45+ mins, so was pleased to reduce the time). I've decided I'll stick to the 32 lengths and gradually build up my speed. At the moment, I'm still stopping after at least every 2 lengths to allow my muscles to recover. Eventually, I'd like to get to a point where I can comfortably go up and down the pool without needing such intense pacing.

I probably say this every time I go to the pool, but it still feels like a massive achievement to do those 32 lengths. I remember when I could barely manage 1 due to the instability of my hips/shoulder joints and lack of strength through my body. It basically feels like I've had to rebuild every single muscle in my body and that's why it's taken so long.

I had mild twinges/pain through my front left shoulder and the right upper thigh remains tight/problematic. I had foot cramps at various points but they responded well to stretching and I could carry on until it cramped up again. I've still got mild stinging strains through my right abs which were aggravated a little by the swimming. It's hard to know how to manage this. It doesn't seem to make any difference what I do - rest, icing, gentle use, hard use, stretching etc etc, nothing seems to resolve this abdominal muscle weakness. Whatever I do, I always seem to aggravate it.

My left shoulder remains restricted (esp external rotation) and painful at the end of the range of motion.

I didn't need to take any painkillers last night for my shoulder or right thigh, which made a pleasant change. I think that's only the second time I've not had to do that after the pool/gym.

To my delight, I don't feel quite as drained/exhausted this morning as I usually do after the pool/gym. I don't feel like doing anything much today but at least it might not be a struggle to stay awake/function, which is nice. I've not bothered with the iron tablets this week. I don't know whether they made a difference or not and my gut doesn't really like them, hence not taking one yesterday/today.

It's chucking it down with rain today and forecast again for tomorrow. I guess it'll be a restful weekend indoors!

Saturday 9 July 2011

Notching up the weeks

I'm lucky enough to live close enough to woodland to have the occasional Blackcap come and visit the garden. This week a whole family turned up! The first shot is of the female taking a dip in the bird bath. The second shot is her feeding two of the three juveniles. For those who don't know, the male has a black cap, the female and youngsters have the brown caps.

In terms of activity/exercise, this week has been a repeat of last week but without the table tennis. Nothing significant to report. Just plugging away with it. I plan to go to the pool next week. I'm already looking forward to the relief it gives from the more punishing gym/weights routine. I do feel that everything is gradually strengthening up. Just a case of sticking to it.

Typically tired today.

Saturday 2 July 2011

This Week's Gym Session

Another Spotted Flycatcher shot today, this time of a local bird. I had a lovely morning on Tuesday, enjoying a pair with their two newly fledged young. Surprisingly, there was a second pair not more than 200 metres away but they were more elusive and I couldn't ascertain if they had young yet. Anyway, this adult was very vocal and I was really pleased when it came to land on a post not more than 6 metres from me.

It took me a good 3 days to recover from last week's gym session. I was just worn out - felt like I'd played 5 sets at Wimbledon in the midday sun, lol! Tuesday, I couldn't sit around any longer and got out for a couple of hours to see these Spotted Flycatchers. It was a 2.5mile walk and the main pain was in the right upper thigh/hip connections. By the afternoon, I felt tired again but then had arranged to play table tennis in the evening. It was just a short knock about (40 mins) but was enough for me to need a very quiet, still day on Thursday.

The gym session yesterday was another good one. The push-up-pluses are still difficult and I don't feel like I'm getting any stronger for that exercise (i.e. chest/arm muscles). As a result, I added in some tricep extensions using the cable/rope machine. I guess I probably need to add in a chest exercise but I'm not sure that my left shoulder has the range of motion (or strength) to do it yet.

Yesterday's Gym Set:
  • 5 mins exercise bike
  • Hip/lower back stretches
  • Glute bridges (10 secs hold) 3 reps then with 6kg dumbbell across hips 10 reps, 10 sec holds
  • Press ups (plus) (at 45 deg angle) 2 x 8 reps
  • Hip extension, abduction, adduction with blue theraband 2 x 8 reps
  • Leg press 41kg 8 reps, 48kg 2 x 10 reps, 54kg (with seat set back one notch) x 10 reps
  • Tricep extensions using cable/rope 2 x 10kg (weight was probably too high - will reduce next time)
  • Seated rows 4kg 10 reps (kept arms extended so just worked scapular muscles), 6kg 3 x 10 reps
  • Wobble board 4 mins
  • Leg extension 10kg 2 x 10 reps
  • Trunk twist using cable weights 2kg 2 x 10 reps
  • Step ups (with 5kg dumbbells) 3 x 10 reps
  • Bicep curls 4kg 4 x 5 reps
  • Combo lateral/front shoulder raises whilst sitting on exercise ball 3lbs 4 x 5 reps
  • Both shoulders, front raise, lying on my back 1lb 10 reps
  • Plank 3 x 30 sec hold
  • Stretching: hips/lower back, hamstrings and chest/pecs
Noticeable improvements:
Glute bridge with an extra 1kg was do-able.
Leg press felt comfortable at 48kg, glad to then manage 10reps at 54kg with seat back one notch
Seated rows - continued reduction in front left shoulder pain - now almost pain-free. Only niggle is a 'sticky' right elbow connector - sharp pain and difficulty extending arm sometimes.
Truck twists - feels like my ab muscles are settling down to cope with this now instead of getting strained every week. Hopefully they are 'stabilising' and I'll soon be able to up the difficulty.
Step-ups - normally, by that point, my right thigh hurts but yesterday the steps up were almost pain-free.
Combo front/lateral raises - still fairly limited but now able to stay within pain-free range for left shoulder.
Lying on floor, front raises - definite improvement - previously I could really only manage 5 pain-free reps. Can now manage the 10 ok.

I took an iron tablet with lunch yesterday in the hope that it might aid recovery. We'll see.

Took painkillers last night for left shoulder to be able to sleep.

Right upper/inner thigh stiff/strained today.