Sunday 1 May 2011

Checking In

The front and rear view of a Common Whitethroat. A pretty little warbler that arrives in the UK in Spring ready for breeding. The area where I took this is alive with these guys. The male performs a 'song flight' where he launches up into the air from his singing perch, flutters and sings and then comes back down to land. It really does look like a dance.

Ok, so I've neglected this blog for a few weeks and thought I'd check in. Essentially, I've just been carrying on with the gym work. Nothing much to report. I guess I've been testing out my stamina a bit, going for a few long walks (90 mins) and seeing how everything copes. The Left glute/hip and LHS lower back still get aggravated and ache/hurt, which is annoying. I'm missing the gym next week due to the fact that I'm going away for the weekend and need to preserve my resources.

The good weather is helping me to get out more and be more active (mostly bird watching). I'm hoping that it'll be one of those things where I suddenly realise that I've progressed without knowing it. We'll see....

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