Saturday 14 May 2011

Checking In Again

Two shots of a Blackcap in the local woods. There are lots about now, ready for breeding, and this little chap landed nicely in the sunlit branches, giving front and rear views.

It's been a busy couple of weeks and I've missed the gym twice now! I was just too tired yesterday after another packed week. Feeling kinda worn out today too so this might be a brief note rather than a detailed update. We'll see...

Essentially, the LHS lower back tightness/ache seems to be improving. I'm managing more walking and sitting without it being triggered so easily. I even had to run through town at one point last week and that didn't bother it at all. The right front of hip/upper thigh problem is a different matter. The running really aggravated it to the point where it was almost impossible to continue walking, it was so painful. I guess there's a shortened tendon in there somewhere which I need to lengthen and strengthen so that it doesn't catch or rub.

I was back at table tennis on Wednesday (they've changed the night, over the summer months, from Tues to Weds). I thoroughly enjoyed it, playing for a good 90+ minutes. Didn't have any pain or problems with my right shoulder, neck or arm. But, it did aggravated the right upper thigh/front of hip problem. My inner thighs have been stiff ever since as well (in a good way!).

I might do a short upper body work out at home this afternoon just to keep those muscles active. I plan to be back in the gym properly next Friday.

I've been getting out birding for longer stretches and hoping that increasing that time will also help build stamina. I think it helps too to not be sitting around all day! Having said that, I do seem to need a day off (or more, sometimes) in between being active, which is frustrating. I can't just have a good sleep and recover like a 'normal' person.

Will leave it there....

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