Saturday 2 April 2011

32 Lengths (0.5 Miles)

Very distant shots of a Redshank at a local nature reserve this week. Unfortunately, the light was rubbish, the birds were miiiiles away and these were the best photos I could get.

This week carried on from the previous week - feeling absolutely drained, not having the energy to do anything. I tried going for a short walk and doing a gentle job in the garden in an effort to kick start my biochemistry(!) but, in both cases, I felt even more depleted and leaden. Thankfully by the end of Thursday something had shifted and I felt a bit more human again. It meant I felt a little more confident about going to the pool yesterday (I was glad that I'd moved my gym/pool day to Friday this week!).

So, the pool. Well, I went with the feeling that if I could only manage 10 lengths and 15-20 mins in the pool then that was fine. I wasn't going to push myself. I started off warming up in the junior pool and then began the lengths in the cooler, adult pool. I always find the first 10 lengths the hardest. My shoulders are still pretty weak and, if I'm brutally honest, I don't really have the muscle to do all this swimming but I reckon that if I stretch myself then it'll stimulate some kind of muscle growth/response (I hope!). Anyway, I took it slowly (as usual). One length, then rest for 30sec-1.5 mins, then another length and rest etc etc. I alternated breaststroke/backstroke.

I was pleased to find that my left shoulder only had intermittent pain through the front rather than developing constant pain when in use. I tended to stretch out the shoulder at the end of each length. I did get foot cramp 4-5 times but managed to stretch it out ok. I eventually reached the previous maximum of 26 lengths and at that point decided that I wanted to go for the target of swimming 0.5 miles (32 lengths)! Surprisingly, the last 6 lengths were the easiest. I guess it was the finishing strait and I was taking it very gently. I kinda knew I'd gone past where I should have stopped but I really wanted to reach that goal. It took me 45 minutes (i.e. sloooow!)

Yesterday afternoon was spent moving as little as possible and as slowly as possible so as not to tweak any sore muscles, lol.

The problem area at the moment is my left glute/hip (not sure of the exact structure - it's a muscle deep in the hip). It's very sore (causing constant pain) and sore to touch/palpate. I'm regularly having to take painkillers at night to be able to sleep. I iced it yesterday afternoon and will do the same today. Perhaps there's a knot in there somewhere? It's not a knew problem, it just seems to be worse. I think it's connected to the LHS lower back tightness/pain.

Today, well, I am worn out but don't regret yesterday's efforts (yet!).

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