Sunday 21 November 2010

Swimming - a better recovery (21 Lengths)

The low point this week was after the NHS physio (or not) session on Monday. I'd been shown around the gym machines and had done a few leg extensions and leg presses after a 2.5 min warm-up on the bike. Of course, a few hours later, once I was home, the LHS lower back and left hip pain kicked in and has been a problem all week. I did try to arrange one last physio appointment for the day after the first 'gym' session but the physio isn't at the hospital on that day. It really worries me that just a few of those gym exercises aggravated the pain - I dread to think what it's going to be like with a full hour's work-out!?!

I used another of my 'free swims' at the posh pool on Wednesday. It was bliss. I did a short warm up (10 mins) in the 'baby pool', running through 20 reps of the hydro exercises (the ones that were possible with the facilities anyway). Then I went into the main pool and swam 21 lengths (10 backstroke, 11 breaststroke). I had a lane to myself and thoroughly enjoyed the uninterrupted nature of it all. The swimming felt fantastic. I then immersed myself again in the hot 'baby pool' to warm down, showered and came home for lunch. It was a really enjoyable morning.

Three things I did to try to mitigate the post-exercise crash: I had a large breakfast (bowl of granola/milk, followed by a boiled egg and two slices of toast). During the time in the pool, I tried to actively relax my muscles when not in use and I stopped for 15-30s after every length to breath/relax and recover. Finally, I took an iron tablet with lunch in the hope that it might boost recovery somehow.

I was wiped out for Wednesday afternoon and Thursday but I didn't feel the need to sleep during the daytime on those days. Apart from a bad headache which I've had all week, I feel like I recovered quite well after the swimming. I coped ok with pottery on Friday.

Tired so will leave it there.

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