Monday 20 September 2010

Still Nursing Strains

Got my first half decent photo of a Chiffchaff yesterday morning. This pretty warbler came into the garden briefly but I only managed a few distant shots through the window, this being the best. It's only the second garden sighting of a Chiffchaff in 5 years so I was delighted.

It's been another frustrating, emotional week. The pubic bone muscle strain (from 4 weeks ago) does seem to be improving but I've done very little to test it out. The LHS lower back tightness/pain and left hip ache down through my groin and leg are back with a vengeance, having done so little exercise. I'm pretty sure now that it's an irritated/trapped nerve in the lower back. The deep right groin pain is also still present. Again, I wonder if that's nerve related too.

I'm on the waiting list (10 week wait) for more physio for hips/back. I'm not sure what they can achieve given that I have been keeping up all physio/strengthening exercises for the past 2 years. I think it's getting to the stage now where I need a scan to see what's going on. Maybe there's a bulging disc or something.

So, I've kept off the bike, out of the pool and away from the table tennis table again this week. I've done a few walks but generally I've been feeling absolutely drained for some reason. I've been forced to take painkillers at night for the hip/back pain to be able to sleep. My muscles have felt 'brittle' and as though they could be strained far too easily.

I plan to go to table tennis tomorrow and see how that goes. I'll miss the pool because I have a commitment on Wednesday evening that I need energy for. I guess it'll be a case of just testing things out and seeing how everything copes.

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