Sunday 15 August 2010

A Short Break

I had a week away, staying with a family member and an old friend, last week. A low cost summer holiday. It did feel good to have a break from the usual rehab routines and get away from my own 4 walls. But, it's also been good to get back home this weekend and get back to it. I guess that's what holidays are all about - coming back refreshed and ready to work hard again.

Plus points from the holiday were that I coped pretty well with the physical and mental demands of it all. On one of the days we did a 5.5 mile walk which is the furthest I've walked since trying out a rambling group 2+ years ago. My left hip did ache quite badly afterwards and my LHS lower back tightness/pain has been aggravated again (and is still gnawing away).

I've put on about 3lbs in the last 3 weeks, which feels like good going. It's the first weight I've put on in, well, decades! Hopefully some (most!) of it is muscle!!

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