Monday 30 August 2010

Pain/Injury Update

Well, it seems I've definitely overdone it. On Saturday evening, I discovered that my inner thighs (medial hamstrings?) were excruciatingly sore when palpated. It's in the same position on both legs (see image above). I tried massaging the swellings/points of extreme tenderness and found that the aching right groin pain reduced. However, I also found that I'd strained muscles across the right side of my pubic bone to the right groin. So, essentially, since Wednesday, walking has been a delicate, painful affair! I've been resting everything as much as possible and icing the inner thighs and right groin 3x a day. I had to take painkillers again last night (for the pubic bone/groin pain) to be able to sleep. I'm hoping that whatever is causing the pain will settle this week. I guess I have to be a lot more careful about doing too much breast-stroke! Maybe I need to do more ground work before trying to swim - some abductor strengthening etc? Who knows. I do worry that the more injuries I sustain, the more weak points I acquire and the more difficult it is going to be to return to full fitness....

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