Saturday 17 July 2010

Weight loss (!) and Left hip

Another of the garden juveniles - this time one of the collared doves. There's a pair who have spent the week in the garden, sitting together on the fence or on the bench outside the patio doors. They're very confiding and this one let me come outside and take its photo (hence the rather suspicious expression).

In spite of the continuing RHS inner thigh/groin problems, I had a good session on the bike on Sunday. I did the usual 25 minutes but upped the resistance from 2-3 between 10-17 & 20-22 minutes, and upped the pace for 2 mins and 1.5 mins during that time. The other change I've made is to do the bike work at about 3pm rather than 11:30am. The morning session would mean I'd be overwhelmed with tiredness and the need to sleep during the afternoon. However, with the afternoon session, I've had a large lunch and although I do feel tired between about 5 and 6pm, I then have a large meal at 7pm and that revives me.

My left hip/glutes have been bothering me all week. Very achy and twingey when walking. I skipped table tennis on Tuesday so as to be fresh(er) for the pool on Wednesday morning. I pushed myself hard by doing a couple more lengths of swimming after the exercises. It definitely worked my shoulders (in particular my left shoulder, which was the main aim) but it has also probably overworked my left glutes/hip, hence the bad left hip pain/ache which at times radiates down the leg.

The rest of the week has been spent nursing the left glutes/LHS lower back and recovering (I was very tired on Thursday - slept for an hour in the afternoon).

I weighed myself at the beginning on the week, hoping I would have put on a pound or two. To my horror, I'd lost 2 lbs, which is definitely not the aim of the game! I'm a skinny bean and losing 2lbs is 2lbs too much. To be frank, I was pretty gutted (and worried) because I am eating as much as I can possibly stomach/digest and doing all this rehab work but not seeing any results! I did some more reading and research and I guess I need to eat more carbs but just how I manage that is debatable. I have stuffed myself to the point of discomfort all week and not enjoyed or looked forward to eating. It's felt like a chore to force another meal down into my stomach. But, having weighed myself this morning, I've put back on the 2lbs, thankfully. Maybe I just have to face the fact that I need to endure the nausea and discomfort and force feed myself for a while to put on this muscle weight. It is very frustrating though.

I'm off to visit family and then an old Uni friend over the next few days. It's another chance to allow my body to rest/recover and build muscle (yes, I live in hope!!).

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