Sunday 25 July 2010

Stamina is Improving

A proud looking juvenile Starling.

Good news. It seems that the rehab is paying off. Last week I did 'normal life' stuff - visiting family and staying with a friend I'd not spent time with for 6 years. Just 18 months/2 years ago, the thought of all of that would have exhausted me. I didn't have the mental or physical capacities to cope with new environments, travelling, different routines, being in company, being away from home etc etc. And, if I did attempt these 'normal life' things, I'd end up needing at least a week to recover where I'd be absolutely wiped out, feeling as rough as anything and looking like death warmed up. This kind of reaction is normal in severe deconditioning, as described in the article referenced at the start of my blog (Link). It's basically severe exercise (or exertion) intolerance - doing anything that puts stress on the body/system is poorly tolerated.

Anyway, the whole point of this physical rehab is to recondition my body (and mind/nervous system) to tolerate stress (specially physical stress, exercise).....and thus, to not just tolerate being alive, but to thrive. To be able to enjoy (rather than endure!) doing 'normal life' stuff like travelling to visit old friends, going out for day trips, enjoy chatting and walking and, well, life!

Admittedly, my resource and well-being levels weren't even throughout the time away. I had dips and times when I didn't feel so great. But, overall, I was able to tolerate it significantly better than in the past and that's encouraging.

Over the weekend, I've been getting back to the usual rehab routines. The left glute pain/ache is still problematic and my rotator cuff muscles/tendons are achy, especially refering pain through my left elbow. I'm looking forward to getting back in the pool this week. I always feel soothed from being in the water.

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