Sunday 25 April 2010

Sticking at it

Another sunny Robin image for today. It stayed in the 'Red Robin' Photinia for about an hour, preening and basking in the sunshine - looked the picture of Spring contentment.

Last week's bike work and the strenuous step-ups has followed me all week, unfortunately. I forget that if I push harder on one day, it has a knock-on effect on everything else that week and I risk needing to take time out to rest. The RHS groin/front of hip pain/tendonitis continues to bug me and in spite of almost daily icing the area, it doesn't seem to be getting any better. I have a feeling this is going to be one of those injuries/pains which I just have to live with until one day it settles.

I really enjoyed the pool work this week. The water was warmer which helped everything to relax and function so much better. My frozen left shoulder was having one of its days when it's less restricted and painful and I was pleased to manage the full shoulder exercises without too much pain. At the end, I did about 3 lengths of gentle breaststroke which were essentially pain-free and felt great. My arms and, in particular, my teres minor and major, were absolutely drained by the exertion but I was pleased with what I managed. Teres min/maj have been stinging and referring pain all week down my arms/through my shoulders but I don't think its anything serious - just used muscles complaining.

The bike work today felt good. My arms and shoulders are now getting to the point where they are strong enough to support me during the 25 mins without screaming with agony or aching for the rest of the day afterwards. I guess my Tricep muscles were extremely weak. I upped the resistance from point 2 to 3 between 10-22 mins, without too much difficulty. There were a few twinges through the RHS groin/front of hip but nothing show stopping.

Notably, the LHS mid/lower back tightness/pain has been minimal this afternoon. It's only just noticeable, which is a big improvement. I've stayed away from the step-ups today to give my right hip a chance to settle.

Bit tired this afternoon. May have a snooze later.....

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