Sunday 18 April 2010

More of the same

'My' garden Robin, in the glorious Spring sunshine, with the yellow Kerria in the foreground.

....yup, it's mostly been a case of just plugging away with things this week. The LHS mid/lower back tightness/pain hasn't flared up too much but the RHS thigh/hip/groin tightness/pain has been quite bad again. Not sure of the exact cause but perhaps there's some tendonitis in there somewhere as this is a problem which has been around from the start really, waxing and waning.

There was no table tennis this week so I made up the time with more walking. The fact that I've had to go back and forth to the opticians all week, trying to sort out my new prescription, made the extra exercise quite easy! Man, I hate it when new glasses don't work out first time. I got thoroughly stressed by it all. Anyways, I'm waiting to talk to the optician again this Tuesday to sort out what's wrong.

Stuck to the routine in the pool on Wednesday and also managed 4 or 5 (can't remember for sure) lengths of very gentle breaststroke. My arms/shoulders are coping ok (painful/achy but not unbearable afterwards). The left shoulder bursa/infraspinatus tendon pain does get aggravated but, as usual, I reckon I have to find the balance between pushing things forward and avoiding injury.

The bike work felt ok today (not as tired as last week) and I followed it up with 20 reps of step-ups with 1lb ankle weights and 10 reps with 2.5lb ankle weights. I've not needed to sleep this afternoon but I do feel tired.

Note added 20:20: Generally feeling pleased with how my body has coped with rehab this weekend. I haven't needed to doze/sleep in the afternoons. I know I pushed hard on the step-ups this afternoon - both hip stabilisers and glutes are achy and sore, the backs of my knees (hamstrings) are sore/twingey and my lower back is a little strained/painful. I've iced the worst areas and a hot bath tonight should help.

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