Monday 7 October 2013

Rehab Concentration Dropped Off & Meniere's Diagnosis

Since my last update, I've done a couple of equipment Pilates classes and a swim. My focus on the physical rehab has dropped off a little and I'm exploring other things, like some local voluntary work. I guess I've realised that flogging my guts out in the gym, week after week, isn't really getting the returns. I'm hoping the Pilates and swimming will keep up progress but allow me to do other things besides recovering from exhaustion! We'll see...

I've also had my appointment with the consultant ENT chap at the hospital. I had a hearing test and various other balance/co-ordination-type tests. The outcome is that I do have a permanent low frequency hearing loss in my left ear, due to Meniere's or Meniere's-type disease (the consultant said we'll never know which). We discussed the idea of getting a hearing aid but, for the moment, I am coping just fine without and don't feel the need to go down that route yet. If my situation changes or the loss gets worse, I can reconsider. Everything will be checked again in 6 months time anyway, so I can reassess then, if needs be. All in all, the consultant was extremely helpful and informative. I was also pleased to hear that adding in work on the balance board at the gym had likely resulted in a good recovery/adaption of my balance system of after each Meniere's attack i.e. I'd done the vestibular rehab necessary.

I can't believe we're already into October. It's nearly 5 years since I started this rehab thing, but I'll reflect on that next week.

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